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      "Arem!" I call out tentatively, a hand snaking upwards to press against my lips shakily when I hear no response. A scream that sounds eerily like Klia reverberates across the dark space.
             . No, please let her be alright .
       I hear the voice in my head and somehow I know it's Arem. Not even bothering to question the wierd logic that I'm hearing his voice in my head like a psycho, I breathe out in relief. I reach into my purse to retrieve my phone, switching on my flashlight. Turning the light towards the dark room is pointless as the light fizzles out.
          I turn the light towards myself and close my eyes reflexively since the light is in my eye. But, when I turn the light towards the darkness again, the light fizzles out. Groaning, I place the phone back into my purse, keeping the purse on a table beside me.
           'Arem!' I call out loudly in my head, praying that whatever logic made me hear him in my head works both ways.

            I reach for my energy deep within me and project it towards the ballroom. By this time, the people around me murmur panickedly, staring into the dark with growing worry.
             Somebody grabs a candle, making their way towards the darkness. Instinctively, I reach forward to grab him, shaking my head ominously. I turn my attention back to the darkness which my family are trapped in. Focusing, hoping for some sign or something from Arem to tell me what to do. Anything at all.

            A blue light flickers softly in the dark, then dies out. It appears again, this time stronger than the first time. I send my energy towards it, relieved when I feel the connection.
          Take as much as you need, miqueriona.
         Nearly sobbing with relief, I flex my shoulders and close my eyes, bringing to mind my practice with Seb. I reach for the energy that Arem projects, imagine myself pulling on it, pulling it towards me. I picture myself as a big box and I feel the energy fill me up gradually till my entire being feels so wound up. Like I could burst.
             With a loud cry, I let go of it, picturing the energy shattering into a million fragments and brightening up the entire room. When I open my eyes, the room is bright again and I spot Arem and Jasper huddled around a lying figure. He looks up at me and I rush over to him, gasping when I see Klia. She's pale and shaking, and she's not the only one.
               Around the ballroom, some people are staring unseeingly with frightened expressions as though they've just seen a ghost, dressed in their nightmare and dripping with blood.

           I place a hand to her cheek, tracing the soft skin with my fingertips. Her mother and Luca also rush to her side, looking shaken but otherwise okay. I look up to see Calen helping Asher up. He has a large gash on his cheek, and I glance at the horror surrounding me wordlessly.
           Arem's eyes are a frightful golden grey colour, darkened with rage as he stares at his sister. He throws his head back and releases a guttural yell and my heart clenches with pain.

        Seb and Avanche get to the Haven just as soon as Arem finishes addressing the people. Those who had been motionless, staring into nothing at all were pronounced dead much to everyone's shock and dismay and the others were placed on turbo birds and transported to the royal infirmary, a category Klia herself and also Arina; Arem's bethroted are a part of.

          Apparently, Seb had told Avanche about the book he found on the hellbringers as well as the elusive author, who Avanche happened to know. Together, with Avanche's lead, they had managed to locate her and on speaking to her, they confirmed the story of the hellbringers to be true, a historical tale passed to her from her ancestors in the hope that it never be forgotten. They also found out a bit more.

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