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      My friends had been pretty concerned when I woke up screaming, and it had taken great effort to convince them that  it was nothing to worry about. I had made an excuse and bolted out, heading for my room.

   Now, standing in front of the mirror and thinking back, I'm sure they didn't believe me and I will have to fend off their questions later. I comb my hair with my fingers, my mindbon the damn dream that keeps haunting me, leaving me with a feeling of dread pooled in my gut.
       I take a deep breath as I exit my room heading out. I make my way to the cafteria for breakfast. I slide into my usual table, placing my order. The coffee is a constant, and I sip the delicious goodness, savoring the creamy taste.

        I take a bite of my toast, as my navcom beeps with a message. I glance through, groaning when I see a message informing me that I have to go to Lara's office. With a sigh, I grab my backpack, stand and walk out of the cafteria, heading for Lara's office. Suddenly, the floor seems to shake, my vision blurring. The sound of clicking heels behind me, draws my attention and I turn around with great difficulty.
     It's Brittany!
     "What the heck do you-" I stutter, my voice coming out slurred. She gives me a wicked grin, twirling a strawberry blonde curl between her fingers.
     "Follow me, but not obviously. No one must realize that you're behind me." She cuts in, turning around briskly. I start moving forward. I scream at myself to stop, willing myself not to do as she says, but my attempts are fruitless and I keep moving. She walks fast, but I tail her successfully. I can tell we're moving out of the academy grounds but I can't seem to tell where exactly, we're headed.

       Still trying to resist and stop myself from following her command, I realize that we're at the garden, the same one where we had the last party. I feel whatever she's done to me wearing off a little, and I push at it harder. Just then, a hand covers my mouth from behind, holding my hands tightly to my side.
      I gag, shouting against the big hand but my voice comes out muffled. I twist my body, squirming violently. Brittany grins, her eyebrows cocked.
      "Hello, brother." She whispers, and a small laugh escapes the person behind me, his chest vibrating against my back.
                        . Brother? .
       "Hey sis." The man behind me replies and my eyes go wide as saucers. That voice?!
              . Raptor? Fuck! .
      Without thinking, I elbow him in the ribs and twist violently to pull him forward, but I suddenly feel dizzy, and I miss, almost falling face-first to the ground. Brittany laughs, a genuine laugh that starts deep in her gut, bubbling through her chest and out of her mouth.
        "I told you that it wasn't over, didn't I bitch? You thought you would simply embarass me, threaten me and I wouldn't retaliate? You think you can worm your way into Arem's heart, and I'll simply make way for you? Well think again, bitch!" Brittany sneers. I raise my head,  glaring at her.
       "You psycho!"

       In a quick move, I tear my hand out of Raptor's hold, raise it and punch him square in the face. He howls in pain and surprise. I run, only to be sidestepped by Britwhore. I snarl at her and she flinches, fear creeping into her eyes. I shove her aside harshly, but she bought Raptor time and he catches me once more.

      Brittany steps up to me and she smiles coldly, her eyes hard like ice. My blood boils, but she cocks her head to the side, batting her lashes at me.
        "I wish I could say that we'll continue this later, but you and I know that I'll be lying. No one will see you ever again, Karyn." She mutters to me and I twist again, bucking aggressively. Raptor holds me tightly, and Brittany raises both of her hands which have an eerie pink glow. She thrusts her hands towards me and my chest seems to explode.
      Raptor strikes me hard against the head with something consecutively and I groan as I go limp in his hands.

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