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My mage class is the last class of the day. I'm exceptionally happy because it replaces Calculus, although we're made to understand that the arrangement is temporary and only for the day for introduction purposes. According to my schedule, my mage class is the first class of Friday.
The class is small, barely seven students in total. The teacher's a tall, muscle bound man dressed in brown leather pants, a fitted black T-shirt and a brown leather jacket. He has brown wavy shoulder length hair. His eyes are dark and hooded and his nose looks as though it has been on the receiving end of quite a few bar fights. His lips are thick, curled in a derisive smirk.

"My name is Ryker. As you must all know the reason you're here, then you should also know why I'm present as well. Now, as unknowns, you're more of the hunted than the hunter, despite the fact that some of you are more powerful than some of the highest species in Firstworld. The only difference might be the wealth of experience that the specie or individual has." He begins, turning around and scribbling ;
𝑴𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔: 𝑈𝑛𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑐 01
𝑹𝒚𝒌𝒆𝒓 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔.
"To every unknown, the power they possess is like a hum. It isn't a song but once it is heard, it can be easily identified by the tune. But to discover something, you must first have an idea at least of what exactly, you're looking for. Now, that been said, we must learn all the creations of the Paranormal deity, Nyx which are now referred to as unknowns. The abilities, mastered properly, surpass those of any ordinary specie." Ryker states clearly, enunciating each syllable and a ripple of excitement flows through the room at his words.
"The first thing to know before we begin is the theory. There are common mage magic which have been associated with the people of Firstworld for years. They include; Wendrons, Sirens, Druits, Gorgons, Fieres, Cyclops and Revans. Over the last few decades, this has been the observed pattern of unknowns in Firstworld. So we shall start from there." He continues, eyes darting from left to right.
"How do we know when we've discovered our mage magic?"A chestnut colour haired girl asks in a very feminine voice. Ryker stares at her pointedly, before scratching his chin.
"We'll get to that, but not now." He replies.

"Let's introduce ourselves shall we?"
"I'm Lucy Brenton." The girl with the chestnut coloured hair says, smiling sweetly, her hair moving left and right in shimmers. A dark haired guy, with thick, full lips introduces himself as Matt; followed by a cutefaced, pink lipped guy named Ryan. Vanessa, a brown skinned beauty, with full peach lips, pert nose and thigh length hair waves; Hannah who is a Siren needs no further introduction being the only unknown in class whose mage magic has been discovered. And lastly, me.
"Hi, everyone. I'm Karyn Adams."
"Now that we're all introduced, you'll be put in pairs." He states, calling out our names and our partners. I'm paired with Lucy, Vanessa with Matt and Ryan with Hannah. Then the lesson begins.

The rest of the day goes by effortlessly. After the class, I swing my backpack over my shoulder, heading for the courtyard, where I begin lessons with Seb.
"Relax your mind and call to your power, Karyn." Seb tells me softly and I close my eyes again, biting back a scoff. We've been at it for almost half an hour now and I'm not any closer to finding the 'unknown ' power.
Groaning in frustration, I pry my eyes open to find Seb looking at me. His ever soft gaze annoys me. He has been the epitome of patience since we began, his voice never losing it's tenderness, his eyes never hardening in anger.
"What the hell are we even fdoing ? I don't even think you know what you're doing, dammit!" I yell in his face, and regret it immediately. He looks away and I lower my gaze shamefully. He's taking time out of his schedule to help me and of course I'm being ungrateful.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that." I mumble and he sighs. Turning to face me, a kind smile adorns his lips.
"It's okay to be frustrated. You may not notice it but you're making progress. All you need to do is remain consistent and committed. You cannot give up, Karyn." Saying this, he bends a little, pulling up a big and old looking leather book.

"Firstly, I'll explain the characteristics associated with unknowns. The common ones-"
"-yeah, the druits, wendrons, gorgons, cyclops, fieres, revans and uh-sirens." I cut in, happy to have something to contribute for once. His lips curve into a knowing smirk.
"I uh, pay attention in class." I mumble softly.
" I see that. Well there are very rare ones; some that haven't existed since the original creations, rare as the cruatz that are found in cave Topaz. They include Conduits and Fury." He says.
I don't even bother asking what the hell, gem topa or cave cruaz are. There are just some things one doesn't bother about. Having already learned about the Fury in Mythological study class, I ask the most obvious question.
"What's a conduit ?"
"A conduit is like a sponge. A conduit can channel the abilities of others into themselves or others. They were very dangerous, as they could absorb whatever was thrown at them and even have the abilities to channel it back to their attackers. I'm assuming you're already aware about the Fury since you didn't ask?" He replies, and I nod.
"Hmmmn, good. A druit is a tree-person; they can literally feel the plants around them, converse with them even. Fieres are fire-beings. They have an affinity for fire, such that they can become fire themselves. Gorgons are beings with snakes for hair, they are one with poisonous vipers which can be extremely lethal in a fight. Sirens are hypnotists, they can breathe underwater and tend to require it at all times, or they can dry out. Cyclops can manipulate and read emotions, they are often referred to as mind readers. They can invade your mind, forcing you to do only that which they desire. Wendrons are soul-suckers. With power to turn your happy emotions to that of sorrow, these beings feed on negativity. Revans on the other hand are big and strong, having the ability to grow twice their size in barely a heartbeat." He explains.

"Then why don't we simply check if I have any of these characteristics. Why try all these other excercises?" I ask.
"Because, these characteristics only manifest when an unknown's suppressed magic begins to manifest. Then all the characteristics you possess shall become easier to unravel. Until then, I think you should go up to your room. You've had a long day" Seb says, tucking the leather book into a brown satchel.
"One question. Can Wendrons feed on good emotions?" I ask and he contemplates it silently.
"I believe so but I don't think it's as potent as negative ones" He replies, thoughtfully. I furrow my brows.
"So it's an assumption then?" I ask and he nods.
"Hmmn, okay. One more-"
"Go and take rest, Karyn. We shall continue tomorrow." Seb cuts in firmly. I stare at him briefly, before giving a nod, throwing my arms around his neck and planting a soft kiss on his cheek.
"Thank you Seb. For all of this." I mutter softly, against him. He smiles sheepishly while I grab my backpack, heading out after turning to wave.

I press my navcom against the door pad and it opens with a click. I make my way in and throw my backpack onto the bed, heading to the bathroom for a shower. When I come out, I change into black baggy trousers and a baggy round necked shirt. I head to the table to grab a book I borrowed from the library when I spot a brown envelope. I open it cautiously, taking the folded white paper out. When I unfold it, I squeal with joy.
It's my assessment results. My OGAFEPs!

𝐓𝐨: 𝘒𝘢𝘳𝘺𝘯 𝘈𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘴.
𝐎: 𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝐆: 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝐀: 𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘦
𝐅: 𝘧𝘢𝘪𝘭 𝐄: 𝘦𝘹𝘤𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝐏: 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘴.
𝗛.𝗢.𝗦: 𝐎. 𝗖𝗔𝗟: 𝐎
𝗠.𝗦: 𝐎. 𝗣𝗛𝗢𝗧𝗢..: 𝐎
𝘈𝘯 𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦....

I throw myself unto my bed, jumping excitedly. Feeling suddenly lonely, I jump down, grabbing my phone and making my way to the door. As I walk, I send a quick text to them both, asking for us all to meet in Daphne's room. I know my best friend's room is on Blue Waters, but I haven't been there before. I send a quick text to Daphne.
#ME: Hey. I'm on Blue Waters, which is beautiful by the way but I don't know your room number.
Blue Waters can be likened to an aquarium, only without all the fish. Light bounces off the glassy doors, dancing around. My phone beeps, indicating a text from Daphne.
#Daphne: Room 206. Get your butt down here quick. Maisey beat you here.
I smile, heading for Daphne's room.

The door is thrown open and both of my friends engulf me in a bear hug. I surrender to the warmth of the hug.
"So?" Daphne asks, searching my face as though for clues.
"Yeah. In your text you said you have good news. Share!" Maisey exclaims next and I laugh, thrusting the paper into her hands.
"Here you go."
She and Daphne peer into the paper, their expressions morphing into one of joy. They both squeal, clapping and hug me again.
"I knew you were gonna be amazing!" Maisey exclaims.
"Yup, never doubted for a minute." Daphne seconds, both beaming up at me. I smile sheepishly, tugging loose strands of hair behind my ear.
"I'm so proud of you gurrl." Maisey says with a grin. I roll my eyes, and they both laugh.

As we crawl into Daphne's bed, I suddenly remember.
"Guys, I talked to Jasper and Calen."
"Woah, that's amazeballs. Was it about the supposed Avalon heritage thing?" Daphne asks, and I shake my head.
"You do realise that's a feat, right? Many will kill to be in your shoes. Whatever it is you have that's attracting all the good guys, I want." She continues, playfully kicking my leg. Maisey chuckles, and I snort.
We lie down on our backs, our eyes facing the ceiling.
"You know, I can't remember what my life was before you pushed your way into it. It seems like such a distant memory, Kari. I only ever had one objective, making my parents proud by excelling in the academy, so I can one day join the ministry. I survived my first year without any friends, and I was ready to do so till the fifth. And then you showed up, and you brought Daphne along. I'm so thankful that we're together. You both mean the world to me." Maisey whispers, her voice clogged with emotions as a tear run down my cheeks.
"Um, so nothing as tragic as a life without excitement."Daphne begins and both Mais and I laugh, playfully shoving her. She clears her throat.
"It's just that no one has ever understood me the way you both do. I'm happy that you're both in my life is all. You girls are family. Love you both." She continues and I smile softly.
"I love you both too." Is all I say, but my voice carries so much emotion, they both wrap me in a bone crushing hug. I smile so hard my cheeks hurt.
The darkness is back once more and so is the hooded figure in its dark robes. He stretches his hand towards me, reaching behind him to pull forth another cloaked figure in sickly brown coloured robes; robes the colour of dead plants. The same fear is there, filling my entire body up to my toes. A hand meets the still outstretched hand. My hand. The black tendrils in the eyes of the hooded figure swirl again. A deep cackle breaks the silence accompanied closely by a bloodcurdling scream.

The darkness exhilarates me and scares me at the same time. I enter my car, reeling with an adrenaline rush that has fueled my movement since I left the academy.
That foolish girl thinks that she can threaten me and get away with it. Well, think again bitch!
I floor the brakes and the car surges forward with speed. Giggling darkly, I swerve dangerously to the left, entering a desolate street. My giggling evolve into laughter as I arrive at my destination.
. An old house. Or is it? .
With a grin that would scare most supes, I throw the car door open, taking long strides towards the house, my plan already in motion.

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