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      I engulf my friends in a warm hug once more, before Lara pulls me away to embrace me as well. She strokes my cheek with her delicate long fingers, smiling warmly.
       "Be careful, Karyn. I hope you find the answers you seek." She murmurs and I smile at her fondly.
       "Please send word daily. I want to hear from you, always." Daphne mutters, and I nod. Maisey inclines her head, muttering 'take care'. I smile at her, walking towards Arem whose head is bent, engaged in a hushed conversation with Calen. He looks up, opening his arm and I step into it.

        "You okay, miqueriona?" He asks and I nod. He kisses my forehead, squeezing me slightly. I give my friends a small wave which they return. Arem creates a walkway and we step into it. When the bright blue lights of the walkway fade away, we're standing in front of a huge house. Gleaming silver walls, cobblestone floors, a garden that stretches across the entire compound, the house before me is magnificent.
         Avalon is truly beautiful; the sky seems blue-r in an almost animated way, trees seem to surround the entire surroundings, tall and leafy, inducing a breezy atmosphere.

         "Woah." I murmur.
   Arem and the guys chuckle, and we walk through the imposing gates and into the compound. We walk to the door, and I find myself feeling nervous.
        "Isn't the palace supposed to have guards?" I ask, as Jasper presses a hand against the door, emitting a pale blue lights which shimmer just as the door swings open.
        "The palace?" Asher asks, frowning confusedly.
        "This isn't The Haven, trouble. It's our place." Arem says, smirking. I flush, my cheeks heating as Jasper laughs lightly. I glance at Seb who rolls his eyes, making me smile.

        We walk in and I gasp in awe. A large sitting area, double staircases at both sides with intricately carved rails. The walls and floor glimmer and glitter like water under the glare of the sun, and I feel daunted by the magnificence of the place.
      Arem drops my small borrowed suitcase at a corner. I had only packed a few things but Daphne was insistent I take her suitcase. 'Travel in style', she had said.
      "Well if there's one thing I now know, it's that you boys know how to live large." I comment dryly, and Jasper nods solemnly, before chuckling.
      "One of us is a bloody prince. What'dya expect?" He replies, winking at me. I roll my eyes at him. The boys throw themselves onto the couches with vigour, limbs sprawled across the plush carpet.

       "Home, freaking sweet home." Calen sighs, fist bumping Asher who has on a roguish grin. Seb looks a little out of place but he sits down wordlessly. Arem pulls me into his lap, and I smile sinking a hand into his dark hair.
     "Geez. Get a room, guys." Jasper murmurs, but he's smiling. Seb clears his throat, drawing our attention to him.
      "So what's the plan?" He asks, straight to the point. I guess he really is very troubled about this whole matter.
      "We'll introduce you to Avanche. Together, you both may be able to find any more clues that will tell us more about this attack and who may be behind it. In the meantime, I have people searching for Conan or Karyn's 'mystery man'. We don't have much description to work with, save for his amber eyes which isn't too uncommon in Avalon, but we'll still be on alert in case be makes another appearance." Arem begins, tracing soothing circles against my thigh with his thumb.
         "I'll also try to get us into Hadith. We may be able to find a clue or two there as well. That should be the hardest part though, The Hadith is not very accessible." He continues and Seb nods. The atmosphere is serious, a strategy in formation.
         "That should work. In the meantime, I would like to be shown my room now, please." Seb remarks and Arem nods, signalling Jasper, who sighs but stands immediately.
          "This way."

        As the both of them exit the room, I exhale. I'm a bit worried about Seb, he looks deeply agitated. As though sensing my feelings, Arem gives my thigh a warm squeeze and I look into his eyes. He gives me a reassuring smile and I nod slightly. Around us, Calen and Asher are deeply involved in a conversation.
       I focus my attention on both of them, just as Jasper walks in. He sinks into the couch, running a hand through his hair.
      "How's Seb holding up?" I ask, concerned. Jasper waves it off, reassuring me that he's fine. Relief washes over me and I smile. I tune into what the boys are talking about and they seem to be talking about a festival.

J.A.N.E(book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora