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    How dare he!
    I clench my fist so hard, my nails dig into my skin, drawing blood. I barely wince, as my mind replays the event that occurred yesterday. I had been unable to sleep the entire day, replaying each word in my head over and over like a broken record.
                 . Damn him! Damn him straight to hell! .
     A knock on my door signals to me that my lunch has arrived. I've been holed up in my room all day, hitting things and venting my anger out on myself. The curtains are drawn and I haven't had my bath. I sent a message to my friends telling them that I'm tired and want to sleep off the stress of the last couple of days. They promise to check up on me later in the evening.

      "Come on in." I call, and in comes an elf. A different one from the one that normally brings my food, the elf is small, with pointed ears, brown skin and short black hair. She's probably a second class elf or therabout. First class elves are similar to humans, only difference being their pointed ears and brown skin. While second class elves are more like what you'll expect elves to look like. Small, slender, with pointed ears and smooth skin colour varying from brown, grey to shades of white. Fourth class elves don't have hair and they have only cracked grey coloured skin. They also tend to be hunched and are assigned to families which they spend most of their life serving.
             "Your food, miss."
             "Karyn. My name's Karyn, what's yours?" I ask softly, and she seems to double over in shock, before catching herself by holding onto the food trolley.
             "M- my name?" She stutters, her lyrical voice small.
       Worried now, that I've perhaps broken a rule or something, I inch closer to the edge of the bed, peering at her worriedly.
        "Did I say something wrong ?"
        "No, no. Tis' just that, no one speaks to us elves, miss. We just servants." She replies, and I smile softly.
        "Well, there's always a first time for everything. You still haven't told me your name." I remark, grinning at her expression.
          "Tis' Rexa, miss-"
          "Karyn. Address me by name, Rexa. Now, how about you share my sandwich. "

          She freezes, her hand snaking out to clutch her chest.
        "I couldn't possibly-"
         "Honestly, I'll be offended if you decline my request. And honestly, I'm not really in the best of moods right now, as you can deduce from the state of my room. I'll be grateful if you join me, Rexa." I cut in, raising an eyebrow when she looks to be contemplating it.
          "Yes mi- Karyn." She smiles toothily.
         We spend the next few minutes talking and eating. Well me, mostly. Rexa takes a bite once, to humour me and doesn't pick the sandwich up again. She tells me that she has six siblings; two are male, the other four female. She's quirky and works in the kitchen.
            "So, what tis' it which bothers ye, Karyn?" She asks softly and I shrug. I pick up my cup of ice cold apple juice and take a sip. She looks at me, imploringly and I shake my head at her.
           "It doesn't matter, Rexa. I'll be fine. It's honestly no bother. Besides, I don't want to talk about it." I comment, wearily, the mere thought draining all my newly found happiness. Rexa seems to notice this, and she changes the subject with ease.

          "I have to go now, Karyn. I must return to the kitchen." Rexa mutters, when the meal is finished. I nod gratefully, smiling my thanks. She inclines her head and whispers,
            "Ye have a friend in me, Karyn. Thank ye."
             "And you in me, Rexa." I reply and she nods before taking her leave, wheeling the empty trolley out of the room. I head for the shower immediately after she leaves, changing into a short black skirt and a red fitted top with spaghetti straps. I put on the trainers, I wore yesterday; the same one I had defeated the dummy with. Then I put my room in order, picking the alarm clock I had thrown of the table and placing it upright again.
            Just then, as soon as I finish putting my room in order, the door opens and both Maisey and Daphne enter room.
            "Hey Karyn!" Maisey and Daphne squeal and I throw my arms open, running to meet them halfway. We fall onto the bed, with me in the middle, facing the cieling.
            "So, how was the test?" Maisey asks.

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