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"Light repels darkness, Aura. Concentrate on your energy, imagine it as a ball of light. Hold that thought, hold onto it." The woman continues and I do as she says.
The darkness as though sensing my plan, wiggles, struggling to free itsrlf from my hold. The voice in my head yelling at me to surrender, grows even louder. I try to concentrate, but it's impossible. I pry my eyes open again, panic settling in.

"Relax dear. You're not alone, we're here with you. Let go, and do only as she has asked you to. We'll do the rest." A smaller, lighter voice belonging to a different woman, mutters. I concemtrate again, forcing myself to let go of the darkness. The voice in my head subsides, and I feel its excitement as it creeps faster towards my chest.
I almost panic, but a voice fills my head.
'We got this.' It's the man this time.
I concentrate again feeling the energy pulsing within. I imagine a giant ball of light, I imagine the sun. Feeding all my energy into the ball, I imagine it growing bigger, bigger and bigger. I imagine it getting brighter, brighter, brighter.
'Good! Now let go. Let it go.' The third woman whispers.

I panic again, doubt creeping into my mind. What if it doesn't work? What if it's not strong enough? I'm not strong enough?
'You are. And even if you're not, we're here with you.'
The man says again.
'Let go, Aura.'
With a loud cry, I let go. I imagine the bright, huge ball of light bursting out of me, and exploding outwards like a firework. I hear someone yell, the sound of glass shattering, and I'm falling.

I hit the ground hard, and groan in pain.
"Karyn!" Someone yells again and I look up, a sob of relief escaping my throat as I spot Arem, and behind him are; Jasper, Asher and Calen.
"You're alright. I got you." He mutters softly, as he lifts me up, engulfing me in a warm hug.
"I'm never letting you out of my sight again." He whispers, planting a kiss onto my forehead. My entire being hums at the feeling of being so close to him.
I smile softly and lean into him even more. When he releases me, Calen draws me into a hug as well and though I'm surprised, I lean into him as well.

His warm hug rivals Maisey's. His hug is all cuddly, wrappy and relaxey; if that makes any sense. Arem growls, and both Calen and Jasper laugh.
. Seriously, what is going on? Did I just step into an alternate universe? .
"Part of the family, remember? You don't have to look so damn confused." Jasper says softly, his eyes full of mirth. All of them chuckle, and I do the same. Arem pulls me away from them, claiming my lips in a kiss; so full of emotion that it brings tears to my eyes.
When we disengage, he places his forehead against mine and I smile at him.
"I thought I lost you. I'll never leave your side again." He whispers softly. I smile wider.
"Alright lover boy and girl, that's enough. We have to get out of here." Jasper says suddenly, his lips curled up in a smile. He always seems to be smiling.
Arem drapes his jacket over me when I shiver slightly. My skirt is wet and sticky and so is the lower end of my shirt.
"Okay Calen, you take point. Jasper, Arem. Asher, Jasper. Me, Karyn. Karyn, Calen. Okay?" Arem says, and I blink rapidly in confusion.

"What does that-" I mumble thoughtfully.
"It means, you have to watch Calen's back, so that nothing surprises him." Arem explains and I mumble an inaudible 'ooh'.
The cave was dark, but it only gets darker as we exit the cave and walk gently down the slopy terrain. I keep an eye out for Calen, not even watching where I'm going.
"Relax. There's no immediate threat yet. Besides, he has excellent hearing. He'll be fine." Arem whispers to me, when I slip for the third time, cursing softly.

Jasper chuckles, and I smack his arm, causing him to laugh fully. I can't help but smile. The guys have excellent eyesight, walking effortlessly and guiding me through, as well.
"There are four levels in Hadith. The first is the holding unit, where the bodies are separated from their souls. The second is the sorting and hurting unit where each soul is sorted and branded with it's crime. The third level is the torture unit, where you know, torture happens. The last but not the least is the revival and rejuvenation unit, where souls are reunited with their bodies, only for the process to continue." Jasper says in a singsong voice as though he didn't just inform me that we're in a minature hell.

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