Past Grievances

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The breeze against Wukong's nose was warm and welcoming. The day had been long but he had finally managed to finish his task.

"Andddd-" Wukong landed the cloud with a triumphant huff, "We're all moved in!" He took the five monkeys that had made the trip with him, sitting them down on the temple grounds. It had taken some time to move the Tribe from the mountain to here, but with enough determination he managed to do so. They had to wait for any new young to grow old enough for the long trip, but now everyone was settled. It had taken longer than Wukong intended, but the relocation could sometimes take an entire day's time- which he wasn't willing to do too often and leave MK by himself. Or inconvenience Sandy with too many baby sitting requests.

MK was eagerly chirping and squealing as he welcomed the 5 tribe members, running up to nuzzle and brush against them in welcome. "Hi! HI!" he cooed. He was eager to show them around, chirping for them to follow as he gave them a tour of the temple grounds. "I'll show you! I will...!"

Just as excited to see their young prince they leapt towards him, squeaking in delight. They followed him with glee, eager to get to know their new home. For some it had been a very long time since they last saw their Prince. To their surprise, he had grown so much- and at times even looked human when MK self-activated the glamor on his back.

Wukong was positive MK only did this to startle the other monkeys- the little scamp.

He was almost two now, growing far more than Wukong would like. He hardly crawled anymore, always walking proudly in his shoes. Which was a rather new change, considering the boy now never wanted to take them off. He had many different types as well- from sandals to tennis shoes.

The temple around them had really come together lately. The buildings had been restored for the most part and freshly grown flowers had replaced the weeds. Traces of MK's touch covered the paths and walls, colors and doodles expanding every inch. Besides their main home was a large branching tree, which Wukong had tied a tire to in the form of a swing for his little one. It was truly looking like a home.

Letting the tribe and Xiaotian run around for a long time Wukong got busy with cleaning up the after-mess. The mundane tasks steadied his mind, giving a sense of peace from its repetition. This easy-going and slow-paced life felt healing to his soul. Together they could live here, with their monkeys.

His son and tribe played together for hours that day, celebrating their true reunion until the sun had set and they grew tired. In a large pile, they had fallen asleep at Wukong's side. He mused at the sight, wiggling into the pile to hug his child and kiss his head. They had a big day tomorrow after all.

The eclipse was upon them.

MK's birthday was tomorrow.

The following day they were quick to head over to Pigsy's Noodles. As soon as he arrived MK was running to Sandy to hug him.

"Sandy!" he crawled into the man's arms, eager to show his coloring friend his drawings from the night before. Sandy had his own sketchbook in hand, both comparing and sharing their doodles. Of course, Sandys were far more detailed and tended to involve inventions and ship designs. He loved getting MK's input on colors though.

The two were already gushing about color pallets when Wukong got close, eagerly pointing to the choices Sandy had laid across the table. With the boy on his shoulders, the two looked over their supplies and ideas with vigor. MK couldn't speak his mind all that clearly yet. While some sentences were complete and easy to understand, there were still instances that his Star's mind tended to wonder, and what came out didn't exactly make any sense. It was like a blender with the top off sometimes. Sandy didn't mind this though, happily going over the plans with the boy and letting him work out his words at his own pace.

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