Part 4

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*In a moving train in another dimension*

Archon: *Sighs* It's been a while since I've been this... peaceful. With nothing on my mind. *Scratches his head* This is, relaxing...


Mike: There ya go. That should do. A temporary form for yourself so you can blend right on in without anyone screaming.

 A temporary form for yourself so you can blend right on in without anyone screaming

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Archon: Thanks. Mike. It doesn't look bad at all.

Mike: I referenced your original body from when you were young and came up with this.

Archon: I must say... I'm impressed.

Mike: It's no biggie. So go on ahead. I'll be with you when ya need me.

Archon: I won't.

Mike: Sure, sure. *Chuckles* Have fun buddy.

*Flashback end*

Archon: *Sighs* Not needing to see the fear in the eyes of other people everytime I walk by. It's nice.

*The train then stops and the doors open*

Archon: Oh? Well, I guess that's my stop then. *Stands up and walks out the train* Where to next? *Turns around and begins walking off*

*Archon spent a couple hours casually walking around the town he went to*

Archon: *Takes a deep breathe* Yeah... This place is good. I think I can stay here for a while. *Continues walking around*

*In the distance he could hear something in a nearby public restroom*

Archon: What in... What kind of commotion could possibly be happening in a bathroom of all places? *Rolls his eyes and walks to the source of the sound*

*In the bathroom Archon could spot three boys laughing at and kicking at something*

Archon: Hm? *Walks into the public bathroom* Hey, what are you three doing? Your loud as hell.

Boy 1: [REDACTED]! Who the hell are you!?

Archon: Name is none of your damn business.

Boy 2: Yeah, hell are you doing here? Can't ya see we're busy?

Boy 3: Yeah we got business to deal with. We're doing stuff. So go on. Get out!

Archon: What exactly is this "business" you three are yapping about?

Boy 1: None of ya business. So go on and get.

*The three boys then snicker and continue laughing and kicking the thing Infront of them*

Archon: Then if you won't, *Activates his observation haki* What in... *Grabs one of the boys by the shoulder*

Boy 2: What the- Get off of-

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