Part 6

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Archon: *Grabs the man's hand and begins crunching it in his own hand*

Man: Nggh! *Bends down and tries to desperately free his hand from his grip*

Lily: Woah... I thought you were strong but not like that!!

Archon: A fight can bring out the best or the worst in a person.

Man: *Still trying to break free* G-get off of me! Let go damnit!

Archon: Let go? Fine. *Shoves him to the ground* Damnit. Now my hands covered in your blood.

Boy 1: W-wha-!

Boy 2: Did he just!

Man: *Panting while holding his hand* W-What did you do!?

Archon: Did what I had to do. Cry all you want but I know damn well you'll do something wrong with her.

Boy 3: *Tries to sneak behind Lily*

Lily: No way you creep! Get away damnit! *Back kicks him away*

Boy: Gah! *Slides off his feet and falls onto the ground* Ah... Ow...

Lily: Haha! That outta teach em!

Archon: Now it's best you four go before I do anything worse.

*The four men absolutely panicking, run off in a hurry*

Archon: They won't be coming back again. I know that. Unless they bring something bigger to the table, they won't.

Lily: Yeah I can see that. *Looks at Archon* But damn... *Looks at Archon's hand* You almost crushed that dudes hand!

Archon: I really was close to doing so.

Lily: That was so fricking, cool! I bet you can carry me with one hand.

Archon: Won't try it.

Lily: Come on! Please!

Archon: We just met. No.

Lily: Come on! We're friends now!

Archon: Since when were we friends?

Lily: Come on! Was all that drinking back at the bar and chit chat for nothing? Come on, were friends now. Right?

Archon: *Sighs* Fine. If you so insist. *Picks her up with one hand*

Lily: Whoo! You really are as strong as you look! I can see almost everything from up here!!!

Archon: Don't shout. It'll attract everyone. It makes you look like a child.

Lily: But I didn't really get to experience what it's like to be a child ya know. Since well, I already told you.

Archon: *Sighs* I see. I understand then.

Lily: Glad you do. Now we should probably get out of here before more of those boys show up.

Archon: Agreed. I'd rather not get more dead bodies on my hands.

Lily: That's dark... And somewhat funny for some reason.

Archon: What about that is funny?

Lily: You could have said blood and it would be just been dark, but ya kinda said dead bodies. And you saying it with such a straight face too is hilarious!

Archon: Oh be quiet child. *Puts her down*

Lily: Hey I'm not a child!

Archon: In personality you sure are one.

Lily: True, but, I'm mature enough to take care of myself!

Archon: Sure you are.

Lily: I mean I ain't even lying! I'm being serious here! I just got that kid spunk in me! *Slaps Archon on the back*

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