Part 11

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Rampage & E-5: Just die already!

*The two then rush towards each other and clash with their weapons as E-5's eyes quickly widen in surprise*

E-5: He's fast..! Much faster than-

Rampage: Take this to the grave! *Spins both of his swords around and Strikes E-5 in the side*

E-5: GAH! *Sent crashing into the wall with blood dripping down his mask* Nghh...! He's strong too... H-Hes much stronger than him...

Rampage: Stop talking. *Jumps up and lands a aerial strike on him*

E-5: *Blocks with Emma's axe* Nnngggghhhh!!! Get off! *Sends Rampage back*

Rampage: *Dashes back and quickly rushes forward again and cuts E-5's hands which causes him to drop the axe*

E-5: Tsk! *Pulls back his fist and throws a punch towards Rampage*

Rampage: *Dodges the punch and kicks E-5 in the side of the head*

E-5: *Spins around in a daze* W-What the hell...!?

Rampage: *Drops his swords before rushing forward and begins beating on E-5 by throwing him up and slamming him down and dragging his head across the floor* Why won't you just die!?! *Throws E-5 into the wall before firing several blasts of destructive energy at him*

*As soon as the blasts of energy hit E-5, the blasts are nullified and E-5 stands back up*

E-5: *Panting heavily* Geez... What kind of fighting is that...

Rampage: *Appears Infront of E-5* So, you seem to be able to bounce back rather quickly! But not for long! *He clenches his fist as he hardens it with Haki before punching E-5 in the side of the face*

E-5: *Part of his googles shatter as he stumbles back, dazed at the strength of the punch*

Rampage: HAAAA! *Punches E-5 in the torso*

E-5: *Reels back in pain and doubles over*

Rampage: Stay down! *Knees E-5 in the head and throws him to the side before grabbing a pillar and making it fall on E-5

E-5: G-Gah... *Panting heavily under the debris* N-Not yet...

Rampage: *Merges his swords back together into a claymore* Oh yes it is-

*Three more golden portals open up as 3 more heads of E-8 appear*

E-8: Well I suppose this is where we have to stop this.

E-5: What!? Brother!? Your alive!?

E-8: Of course I am. But this fight is over. We lost.

E-5: N-No! I-I can still fight!

E-8: At a later time. You still need time to grow brother.

Rampage: Hah!? *Grits his teeth* Your still alive you-

E-8: Always was.

*More golden portals open as several more heads of E-8 exit through it*

E-8: You simply destroyed one of my many heads. I have an infinite amount of them. Fool.

Rampage: Why you-!

E-5: *Rushes behind Rampage and brings down Emma's axe onto his head*

Rampage: *Grips his claymore tighter* Full, Arc! *Swings his claymore in a 360 degree motion*

*The heads of E-8 gut cut off and they dissolve into thin air again*

E-5: GAH-! *Tries to block with Emma's axe but gets hit in the chest and flies backward*

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