Part 5

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*The next morning*

Lily: *Lightly slapping Archon in the face* Hey, hey, hey! Wake up! It's morning!

Archon: Huh? *Opens his eyes and sits up*

Lily: Looks like you had a good night's rest didn't ya?

Archon: Hm? How long was I even out for then?

Lily: It's 10am.

Archon: 10AM!? How did I even fall asleep for so long?

Lily: Dunno. But I don't mind. My bar opens up at noon anyway so no one really saw.

Archon: *Sighs* Ugh... Can't believe I overslept.

Lily: Oh, right. I also found out some places you could rent out for the time being.

Archon: Those places are..?

Lily: Well, there's just one to be honest but it's the one near the hill outside of the city. It's like a 30-40 minute walk there but the rents dirt cheap.

Archon: Are there any reviews on it?

Lily: Well yeah, and it's all pretty good for the price the place is charging.

Archon: If that's the case I wouldn't mind that. *Stands up*

Lily: Whoa-oh big guy, you almost crushed me!

Archon: *Chuckles* And what if I did? Wait I wanted to make that funny but it really wasn't.

Lily: HAHA! You admitting that mistake made it even more funny!

Archon: Ugh... I was the victim of my own damn joke.

Lily: Moving on from that TERRIBLE joke of yours, want me to come with?

Archon: No thank you-

Lily: Buddy, I literally know where the place is. Ya don't.

Archon: ... You have a bloody point there.

Lily: Second one for me!

Archon: Are you tallying this or something?

Lily: Mhm! Sounds fun to me!

Archon: *Sighs*

Lily: Oi! Don'tcha sigh on me! Come on, lemme show ya around town, THEN we can go your new place.

Archon: Yeah, yeah... got it, got it-

Lily: Well come on then big guy! *Drags Archon out of the bar*

Archon: Your pretty strong for someone your size.

Lily: I ain't small, your just huge ya know.

Archon: Again, you have a point.

*For a while the two walk aimlessly around the town without any direction of where they are going*

Archon: Huh, this town is much smaller than I imagined. I imagined it to be the size of a city with all the buildings I saw.

Lily: But just the right size for someone like me! I like it like this. Nothing too crazy is my kinda thing.

Archon: Your personality says otherwise.

Lily: Oh please, your all so big tough and scary looking like, *Pretends to flex muscles and laughs* Grrr... or something. But you look like a big old softie with how your acting.

Archon: I am not, a softie.

Lily: O-kay, then... that was kinda unsettling for me. But to be fair, your not anywhere NEAR as scary as I thought you'd be. Your actually pretty chill and cool.

Archon: I appreciate that.

Lily: I ain't kidding, I really thought you'd be all scary and stuff but your actually quite nice.

Archon: So where is this place you were talking about?

Lily: Aw come on! Don't be so quick man, we still got the whole day in our hands! Hehe~ Why don't we just have some fun ya know. Loosen up and get familiar.

Archon: *Sighs* If you insist.

Lily: Great! I know a great spot we could go to that's in the city! *Takes Archon's hand and drags him around*

Archon: I can walk on my own. *Lets go of her hand and walks along with her* And I'll only ever hold hands to the ones I truly hold dear.

Lily: Got some morals on ya? Hehe, that's interesting to hear. Tell me more about it when we get there will ya?

Archon: If your so curious I suppose I can entertain you.

Lily: Great! *Runs off*

Archon: Huh- Hey! Don't go running off all of a sudden! *Runs after her*

*Archon runs after Lily for a solid 10 minutes before winding up at a park*

Lily: Whoo... That was further than I thought... *Slumps down on a bench and starts panting*

Archon: What were you even thinking? Running off all so suddenly? That was a stupid idea. What if you got hit by a car and or a truck and got Isekai'd or something?

Lily: *Notices Archon's physical state* Eh? You don't look all that tired. You ain't even sweating...

Archon: I'm just built like that I suppose.

Lily: Damn, wish I was as strong as ya. Then I'd be able to work WAY past overtime and make some good cash.

Archon: Is that debt actually that bad?

Lily: Yeah, almost 5 million Dollars in cash bad.

Archon: That, is a lot. How did your father even get that much-

Lily: Gambling, Alcohol, Women, you name it. *Sighs* It sucks even more that I have to pay it off now. In time they might even take the damn bar away from me!

Archon: I'm sure you can find something to help you.

Lily: I dunno man, sometimes it just feels all hopeless.

Archon: There has to be, some hope atleast. I know I've been in that spot before. And even then I was able to bounce back. Not sure if that'll change my destiny in the afterlife, yet, it's nice to know that I got a chance.

Lily: A chance huh? Maybe I do got a chance. I think I'll keep that in mind for your sake.

Archon: I appreciate it. It's something a friend of mine gave to me. A chance. To be better than what I was.

Lily: That sounds like one good friend of yours. Wonder if I'll meet him and he can help me.

Archon: Oh I'm sure once he knows of you, he'd certainly want to be friends with you. He's like that. And he'd most certainly want to help you too.

Lily: Well, I might just wanna know who he is from you.

Archon: From me? Well, I can't really describe him sometimes. He's so different. Maybe if I see him again I can convince him to come here and talk to you and help you out.

Lily: Yeah I'll take ya up on that offer. Then I can give him a good ol beer!

Archon: He's weak to beer... and alcohol in general actually.

Lily: Aw what!? Bummer, But hey, atleast he's living healthy. Far away from all that beer and alcohol.

Archon: That is true.

Boy 1: Hey! You!

Boy 3: Yeah! You!

Archon: Hm? *Turns to him* It's you again?

Boy 2: Yeah. And we got back up this time!

*A man who is around the same size as Archon walks up to him and stares him down*

Man: So, you hurt my boys?

Archon: What does it matter to you?

Man: What matters to me, is that you pay for messing with our damn gang! *Throws a punch towards Archon*

Lily: Ayo! Archon! Get outta the damn way! *Rushes towards him*

------------To be continued...

The Void Entity SagaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora