Part 12

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*In the streets of the small town Archon is in*

Archon: So do you telling me why we are here in the first place? Aren't you meant to safeguard the information I have?

Pixie: *Pops out of Archon's hair* Well, it's quite obvious. There's this really popular ice cream parlor across town so I was gonna ask you if-

Archon: So we went all this way, for ice cream, you say?

Pixie: Uh, yeah that's one way to say it.

Archon: *Sighs* Your lucky I can't cause a scene. Otherwise I would have thrown you through a window.

Pixie: Eh!? W-wait! H-Hey you wouldn't do that! What is Lady Morgana finds out? She's gonna be pissed!!

Archon: I could care less for the reason. Let's just get this over with before anyone gets suspicious.

Pixie: Woohoo! Free ice cream! I mean, yeah. Right of course-

Archon: Shut your mouth before anyone hears you scream that.

Pixie: *Gulps* O-Oops! Sorry...

Archon: *Groans in annoyance* It's whatever really at this point. *Walks over to the ice cream parlor and looks at the sign and front door* So this is the place you wanted to so eagerly go to that you had to use me to get here?

Pixie: Mhm!

Archon: It looks... Like your typical ice cream parlor I didn't know what I was expecting.

Pixie: Eh? What do you even mean? It's an ice cream parlor!

Archon: If you've seen way too many things you should not be seeing, you often get these images in your head about normal things being not so normal.

Pixie: *Looks at him and tilts her head to the side* How does that work? I like, I don't get it.

Archon: You wouldn't. Now let's just get in and get out. Let's not make anyone anymore suspicious. *Twists the door knob and enters the ice cream parlor*

*The Cashier worker then greets Archon before asking him what ice cream he would like*

Archon: I'll take... hmm... *Looks up at the menu and crosses his arms before whispering to Pixie who's still hiding in his hair* What do you want now?

Pixie: O-Okay I'll admit I never got this far before! But uh... I'll take mint chocolate-

Archon: Did you really have to pick the worst of the flavors? Really?

Pixie: H-Hey! I'm the one that's picking!

Cashier Working: *Looks up at Archon awkwardly* Uh sir, are you calling someone?

Archon: Sorry, I was just thinking with myself. Mint Chocolate please.

Pixie: And uh um, strawberries too!

Archon: And Strawberry flavor as well.

Cashier Worker: Uh, alright sir. Would you like it in a bowl or a cone?

Archon: A bowl please. The last thing I would want is a mess.

Cashier Worker: Uh, alright... Right away sir... *Walks off*

Archon: Hm. *Walks to a chair and sits down*

Pixie: Hehe. Thanks for the ice cream. Appreciate it.

Archon: Hm... It's not big deal to me I suppose. It's nothing more than a material want. And it's innocent enough.

Pixie: You really like to talk serious eh? But like, why? We're in an ice cream parlor of all places! Can't you like loosen up a bit?

Archon: I almost died. I will not risk that again, your hear me?

Pixie: Yeah but still, you were like that, even before then.

Archon: You always have to be prepared. You never know what might happen if you ever let your guard down. I know it's not the best, but, it does it's job in protecting me, and the ones I want to protect.

Pixie: Ooooo~ So you have people you wanna protect eh? That's nice. So are you like, a big softie around them-

Archon: Absolutely not.

Pixie: Oh. Bummer. Okay then. Where's our ice cream?

Archon: It's still being prepared.

Pixie: Awww... What's taking it so long!? I can't wait that long man!

Archon: *Sighs* Patience is a virtue is what they say. So you need to be patient.

Pixie: Aw phooey. Fine. I guess I can wait... Hmph! *Pouts*

Archon: Are you pouting like a child?

Pixie: N-No I'm not! No way!

Archon: You sound like you are.

Cashier Worker: *Walks out and stares at Archon awkwardly* Uh... sir, your ice cream is ready. Your total rounds up to 10 Dollars.

Pixie: Oh! Oh! It's here!

Archon: Thank you. *Hands the Cashier Worker 10 Dollars and takes the bowl of ice cream* I'll be leaving now. *Walks out of the Ice Cream Parlor*

Pixie: Ooooohhhh... Lemme have the first bite-

Archon: You can have it once we get back. You think anyone would find it normal if they saw ice cream being eaten by a fairy in a public road on someone's hand?

Pixie: I didn't really think of that part...

Archon: I'm honestly not surprised. You keep on lowering my expectations for you.

Pixie: H-Hey that was mean! Could you be atleast be a little nicer?

Archon: If you can be more capable, then I most certainly can. But why exactly do you want me to be nicer to you? Aren't you like, just meant to watch over me or something?

Pixie: I-I mean, well, eh... Hehe... Nothing! It's nothing!

Archon: I'm starting to think there's something else. I have several options on what to think of this but I won't assume the worst.

Pixie: E-Eh!? What are you yapping about there!? You think I like you?? No way!

Archon: I... I wasn't thinking of that. I was thinking that-

Pixie: Oh I know what your thinking about! I can see right through it!

Archon: *Stares at her* What the hell-

Pixie: Oh shut up will you-

Archon: Okay now you getting annoying.

Pixie: A-Ah! Sorry! Sorry!

Archon: Why are you being so apologetic now?

Pixie: Well it's cuz your so damn intimidating! Look at you! Your built like a truck and those eyes are real unsettling!

Archon: I can understand the body build but not the eyes. What's so odd about those? And what's even unsettling about it in the first place?

Pixie: Look at it in the mirror! It's so intimidating!

Archon: The people I know don't see it that way.

Pixie: Either they're lying or they are also built different.

Archon: Probably the latter option.

Pixie: Ha!? Are they all menaces like you!?

Archon: No. I don't think so. Now come on, let's just eat before our ice cream gets cold.

Pixie: Ah! Right! Our ice cream! Quick! Quick! Back to our flat! Now!

Archon: Fine, fine. I'll listen to you. Only begrudgingly. *Walks back to his flat*

------------To be continued...

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