Part 10

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*At the surface*

Rampage: *Snoring loudly* Hehehe... Wonder what kinds mischief I can do today-

*He and his hammock and then blown sky high by a big blob of black goo which lands on the floorboards*

Rampage: Ngh!? *Jolts awake and jumps off of his hammock* What the hell!? I was sleeping... *Looks around as the destruction* here... *Grits his teeth as he clenches his fast* Oi, where'd everyone go eh?

*The large KFP Chicken then sees Rampage before rolling up into a ball and launching itself at him*

Rampage: I said... Where did everyone go!? *Summons a large completely red and Crimson colored claymore into his hand before slicing the large chicken into large chunks* Tell me damnit! *He slams the blunt part of the claymore into the chunks like a baseball bat and makes them crash into other void creatures* You all may look like those innocent mascots of those idol chicks at Hololive, you definitely aren't innocent! *Spins his sword around rapidly*

*Several large cracks appear in the ground as thousands more void creatures are sliced apart*

Rampage: Tsk, only hope is that they're still alive! *Lands down on the ground before running and breaking the claymore into 2 smaller swords and slashing the void creatures apart*

*Back inside the Sakura Dungeon*

Yomi: *Utterly traumatized at the sight* N-No way... T-there's no way... T-this is just sick... Y-You still have to be in there...

*The amalgamation continues to inch closer to them while murmuring the words, "Come closer, join the void..." in a distorted and broken voice*

Sylvi: Barrier! *Casts a magic barrier spell which traps the amalgamation inside*

*The amalgamation then screams out before breaking the barrier in a single blow and tossing Sylvi to the side*

Yomi: Sylvi! No!

Ceri: Hey! I'm still right here! *Rushes forward before slashing her sword rapidly*

Yomi: Wait! Stop! We can still-

Ceri: Astral Blade-

*A large power source begins to close in on everyone as in a burst of Crimson light, Rampage bursts through the walls with a large trail of corpses behind him*

Rampage: Oi, sorry I'm late. Didn't think a snooze would do you all in.

*The amalgamation throws Ceri to the ground before running at Rampage in an attempt to slash him apart*

Rampage: *Sighs* Sorry. I wasn't fast enough. Or aware enough. *Grits his teeth* I swear on my will I will, be better. Once this is all over. You'll be back. *Raises his hand forward* Now, perish! *Jumps up and lands on the head of the amalgamation* Hakai!

*The amalgamation then screams out in pain and agony as it's body is destroyed in a purple light until there is nothing left*

Rampage: *Puts his hand in a praying position* I may not be a man of faith, but I do still sorry for being so late.

Yomi: R-Rampage...

Ceri: Y-your here...

Vesta: Oh thank goodness... Now we have a chance of actually living...

Rampage: Yeah... Sorry for waking-

Yomi: *Rushes towards Rampage and grabs him by the collar of his kimono before pulling him closer to her face* You! You! It's all you! Why, why, why!? Why were you so late!?! So... so many of them died... AND YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT! YOU WERE ASLEEP! YOU SLEPT THROUGH ALL THEIR PAIN! HOW COULD YOU!?

Sylvi: *Slowly stands up while bleeding on the side* Yomi... Stop that... It's... It's not his-

Yomi: Not his fault? NOT HIS FAULT!? SO MANY OF MY DEAR SUBORDINATES DIED! HIRIKO, WHAT ABOUT HER!? EVERYONE SHE KNEW IN THAT CRAFT IS GONE! WHY!? *Punches Rampage in the face* WHY!? *Punches Rampage in the face again* Just... just... *She punches Rampage in the face weakly* why... *She drops to her knees and starts sobbing uncontrollably*

Ceri: *She walks up to Yomi before kneeing down towards her and patting her on the back* Ssshh... please, stop. No one could have expected this... It's not his fault...

Rampage: No... I-I... *Clenches his fists which begin shaking* Nghhh... *He grits his teeth before signing loudly* Okay! It is! It is my fault! Okay!? I just, I didn't think this would ever happen!

Yomi: But look at what happened now... S-so many dead... I-I don't know what to do anymore... I-Is Mike here? Can he just tell me it's all a dream and we can all wake up, please?

Rampage: It's... it's not a dream....

Yoni: *She starts sobbing even louder and starts punching the floor* NO! NO! NO! PLEASE... PLEASE! PLEASE LET OT BE A DREAM!

*Meanwhile in the abyss*

E-5: *Grabbing an abyssal watcher by her throat* Now you should be the last of them.

Abyssal Watcher: Y-You won't get away with this... This'll bite you back eventually...

E-5: Hm? What does that mean? I uh... I don't really get it. *She crushes her neck and throws her to the side alongside other abyssal watchers and other monster girls from the abyss* Well er, there we go.

*A golden portal opens up behind E-5 and the head of E-8 pops up from it*

E-8: My, my, you cleaned up fast... That's good... But do you feel that? Do you hear that?

E-5: Hear what?

E-8: Our enemy is crying... Our enemy is in despair. That means we can strike now. When they're at their weakest and take them down!

E-5: Hm... Alright then. I suppose that's what some of my sister's did during war. So let's go.

E-8: But be careful. Someone strong is there. Be warned.

E-5: Hm, gotcha. Gotcha. *Opens up a portal and teleports into the throne room where everyone is in*

*Back in the throne room*

Vestal: Hmph, the door won't hold for long once those things get here. We need to act fast. Get as far away as possible and get as far away from their sights as we can.

Rampage: Yeah. And the only way to do that is to go to another dimension.

Sylvi: Then, then let's do it then!

Rampage: Yeah I think we can-

*A black and white portal opens up in the ceiling ad E-5 exits through it and lands down*

E-5: Hmmm... I'm guessing the guy with the Red hair is the strong one?

*A golden portal opens up beside E-5 and the head of E-8 exits through it*

E-8: Correct, brother. That is our main issue here.

Rampage: Eh? So it's you two who've been stirring up all the trouble eh!?! You know what happens when you cause trouble here!? After what you've done, you die!

Yomi: *Stares up at E-8* You... You monster...

E-8: Oh really? Sounds big coming from someone like you-

Rampage: *Appears above E-8 and slices his head off* That's enough of you. You've done enough.

*The head of E-8 dissolves and the golden portal closes*

E-5: Brother... You... You... You...! *Brandishes Emma's large axe and readies himself*

Ceri: That axe...

Yomi: It's the twins- *Gags at the sight* N-Not them too...

Rampage: You... You killed the damn twins!? Grrr...! *Grits his teeth* So I suppose you finished off the rest of the Abyss too eh!? Not too fancy on your damn record! *Takes out his claymore before breaking it into two large longswords* Your finished!

E-5: Not if I am the one who will finish you first....

*The two strongest people in the room prepare themsleves to clash with one another, ready to tear each other apart at any moment with their eyes set on to murder their opponent*

------------To be continued...

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