Part 8

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*Everyone in the Sakura Dungeon starts rushing around, informing any and all monster girls that are inside to follow them into the realm of the abyss*

Yomi: I know, I know. It may not be the best idea, but it's the only chance we've got!

Fox Archer 1: Huh? Even if you are... I'm still kind of... well, skeptical about why...

Fox Archer 2: Yeah, that's true. I'm not really sure. I'm not saying I don't trust you, but, I'm not all too sure-

Anubis: There's no time. If we take too long it'll already be too late.

Ceri: Y-Yeah! We want to save as many people as we can! We have to hold out for atleast a little bit!

Fox Knight: So why don't we fight the beasts on the top? I don't see why we shouldn't.

Fox Archer 2: True. We could just-

Sylvi: Yomi's magic was useless against them.

Fox Knight: I retract my statement then... I guess we have no choice. Either that or we get torn apart.

*The two fox archers then shake their heads before starting to follow Yomi*

Vesta: *Carrying several monster girls on her back* They wouldn't listen so this was the only alternative I had in mind...

Ceri: That... That'll do...

Yomi: Y-Yeah... I think so...

Anubis: Anything works at this point-

*The walls surrounding them begin to shake*

Yomi: Ngh! What the- A-are they trying to break in!?

Anubis: It appears so. Quickly. We must get everyone out now!

Ceri: On it! *Rushes across the level, scouring and looking for more monster girls to bring alone*

Sylvi: I'll do the same! *Rushes across the other side of the level*

Yomi: We need to get to the 24th floor as soon as possible. But we can't rush. We can't just abandon everyone beforehand.

Ceri: *Comes back with several more monster girls with her* This is all I could find in this time.

Sylvi: *Comes back with more monster girls with her* And here's as many I can find.

Yomi: I-I think that's everyone-

*The dungeon walls begin to shake again*

Yomi: We need to start going down, now. We don't have much time. We can't afford to-

*The dungeon walls shake more violently again*

Yomi: The seal... They're damaging the seal!

Anubis: This isn't going according to plan... We need to get down. And fast.

Vesta: Do we not have any communication spells!?

Yomi: Uhm, uh, come on, think! Did Mike teach any of us any communication abilities!?

Ceri: N-Not to my knowledge...

Vesta: Same boat here...

Anubis: I wish to say I have but I don't think so...

Yomi: There has to be something, anything! We can't afford to-

Sylvi: I remember! I-I remember Mike teaching me this... But I'm not sure if I can do it properly... *Points her staff forward* Broadcast!

*A pink electric spark emits from her staff as a small electric current flies throughout the entire Sakura Dungeon*

Ceri: D-did that work..?

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