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First returned to the apartment at 10pm. Unfortunately, he ended up helping Jun because the club was completely full and he couldn't bear to leave Jun who looked exhausted on his own.
The room lights were turned off, visible from the entrance as Khaotung didn't close it.
First then went to the kitchen and saw that the curry chicken he had kept was gone, the remains of which were in the trash can.
The smile on his tired face was visible, he was happy that Khaotung still ate the food he brought even though he might have eaten at the restaurant.

Suddenly, his tiredness had slowly disappeared.
First had already eaten at Jun's club, so he would just go take a shower and sleep.
Tomorrow Khaotung still had morning classes and First still had afternoon classes, it actually didn't matter if First still didn't want to sleep. But, he didn't want to disturb Khaotung because of the noise he might make while playing the game.
So after the bath, First immediately laid down next to Khaotung who was already asleep with the blanket under his body. This kid, he really doesn't like wearing blankets.

The room lights being turned off made the silent atmosphere even quieter, First, who didn't look sleepy yet, was busy looking at the roof of his room.
See? First didn't feel the rush of love that Jun said this afternoon, he could sleep comfortably with Khaotung around or not.
So First concluded that it was just jealousy, jealous that Khaotung had a friend as nice as View. Or maybe First would feel better if he and Khaotung could go out as friends like View took Khaotung.

This morning, Khaotung looked more relaxed. He could even eat bread for breakfast while wearing his clothes.
On the bed, there was also First who always woke up whenever Khaotung woke up early.

"You go home at 10? That's late, when does your class start?" Asked Khaotung, he was even able to do his hair today, waking up early from being called repeatedly by View was really worthwhile.

"Like yesterday," First replied as s
he straightened his hair.

"What are your plans for today?" First asked.

"I'm going to accompany View to buy something after class." Khaotung smiled as he said that.

Khaotung then went to bed to get his cell phone, and protested that First had come home so late last night. Khaotung fell asleep waiting for him.

"Why did you wait for me to come home?"

"I have something to tell you," Khaotung replied.

"It's about me and View."

First nodded his head. "Why?"

"I feel like she likes me more than a friend, do you see that?"

"I don't even notice myself," First replied with a chuckle.

First then asked, what about Khaotung himself. "Do you like her too?"

First looked nervous, Jun's words from yesterday afternoon seemed to have all gone to his head. That he didn't dare to ask Khaotung directly because he had some reservations about Khaotung and View's relationship status.
But First always dismissed that prejudice, he didn't want to conclude that his jealousy was because he liked Khaotung.

"I can't say yet, but I feel comfortable with her. I talk about many things, and View understands well everything we talk about."

First nodded his head several times. "That must be nice, you found someone you were looking for."

"Not sure yet, but I have a feeling View will get along well with me."

Khaotung then laughed as he and First had not gone out with a girl in far too long. Now that Khaotung had targeted View for a partner, he told First to look for one too.

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