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Khaotung dropped the bottle of deodorant. As soon as he brought it back from the floor while going to First's wardrobe, the owner of the apartment seemed to wake up to the noise.
It had been a long time since First had been woken up by Khaotung's noise, it had always been the alarm that woke him up for the past 3 months.
Khaotung who left his bag at Jun's house decided to borrow First's clothes, it used to be like that too. Having First means having Khaotung too, and having Khaotung doesn't all belong to First.

"I also left my phone at Jun's house, damn I just realized it."

First then offered to take Khaotung to Jun's house first, after that to the campus and he would return to the apartment to sleep because his class was in the afternoon.
As Khaotung came out of the room, there was the sound of First's cell phone vibrating on the nightstand.
There were several missed calls from his friends at college including View and Mix, the group chat was also noisy so First decided to look at it first instead of calling back Mix or View.

Almost everyone was talking about Khaotung and him, but the criticism for Khaotung was bigger than for him.
It seemed like Jun's friend from last night was one of the students at his college, so it wasn't unusual for the video to spread quickly.
After that, First then went to look at the message that Mix sent, He questioned what exactly happened for Khaotung to say such a sensitive thing.
Then First saw View's message telling First to tell Khaotung to pick up the phone.

"I thought I could go to Jun's house by online taxi or bus."

First then raised his head, looking at Khaotung who didn't know anything yet, smiling so innocently in the middle of his face that still had many bruises.
First could only sigh, after all the story was that First was in the video so he had a hand in explaining the situation to the campus people later, especially to Mix and his clan who stood behind Mix's back.

"I have business with a lot of people on campus, so I'm going to campus too this morning."

Khaotung didn't think to ask further although he was curious, Khaotung just nodded his head and told the First that he would be waiting for him to get ready in the living room.
Not many people knew that Khaotung and View had separated, so the attack also came on View who was still known as Khaotung's lover.
Moreover, recently there was news that View was anti-gay, but it was not exaggerated because it was just a matter of individual rights, But now it was a different story, so View was attacked as a homophobic lover with Khaotung.

View was obviously furious about it all, she felt cornered for something she didn't know, not to mention she was still heartbroken over Khaotung's abandonment, and now she was being instigated by her friends about her and Khaotung's breakup with First as a third party.
View has been under too much pressure, even though she is angry all she can do is keep quiet, not caring if her current attitude might be interpreted as embarrassment because the truth is revealed to the public. Let her friends come forward to defend her who has nothing wrong in the video.

"Phi Mix!"

Mix who was called out by View looked over, his face showing that he was indeed uncomfortable with View as Khaotung's ex-lover.

"Did you hear anything from Firts?"

"Not yet."

"No way, you guys are so close."

"Then what about you, did you get an explanation from Khaotung?"

View paused and then shook her head. "But I could have sworn that I didn't influence Khaotung to handle that kind of thing for your people."

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