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Happy reading!!!

Khaotung thought deeply about his decision to leave  View.
He had tried for everything. According to him, no matter how hard he and View tried to stay together but if he was still in his current environment, everything would come back to the same point of trouble.
His love is exhausted by the impatience that grows faster, his longing is lost by the annoyance that keeps appearing every time the conversation starts.
Happiness was no longer the main goal of this relationship, a day without fighting was already very grateful.
The exhaustion made Khaotung think that he would regain his sanity if he left View.

Khaotung regretted how sweet the beginning of their meeting was, the love that grew over time ended up not understanding each other like this.
But Khaotung also felt that he was not too sad because his efforts to stay were really great.

Despite the unhealthy relationship, there is a First who is living his life step by step perfectly after losing Khaotung.
He organized his life well without the need to make himself a man of concern.
He didn't become a drunken man to forget Khaotung, playing with many men to avoid thoughts of Khaotung.
First remembered Khaotung and the friend's wish, that he wanted First to lose his love and come as a friend like before.

First did so without a hitch, easily adapting to the new environment he found, the happiness he would seek to prove that he would return to Khaotung as the straight version of First.
First wants to change to stay with Khaotung?
Everything is going perfectly, slowly First can even look at Khaotung and talk to him like a friend again.
But even so, his love hasn't changed, his longing has grown too. However, this was all for Khaotung again. First, needs to behave naturally how a friend behaves.
"So you broke up with her?"

Khaotung nodded his head.  "I'm sad but it's better than staying together."

"Um, you guys were equally tormented when you were together. From my point of view."

Jun lit his cigarette then looked out at the city streets which looked deserted on this Thursday, for some reason.

"What about where you live? Are you looking for a new place or going back to  First place b?"

"It's crazy if I go back there, I'll just find a new apartment."

Jun chuckled, it was really unfortunate that Khaotung decided to stay with View as if the two would live forever together.  First place was convenient in many ways, great for going to campus, to his club, even to the food place was an easy walk.

"I'll look for a vacant apartment in that building."

"Then you'd better go back to  First, share the monthly fee like the original plan."

Khaotung seemed to be thinking, that's what he wanted. But on second thought, he might look like a shameless person for going back to First after telling him to stay away.
But, maybe First will accept it since he said that he still likes Khaotung 99% of the time, which means First's liking for him has never decreased at all.


First had just returned from campus when he saw Khaotung on the floor leading to his apartment.
Today First didn't see Khaotung wandering around campus, so after coming face to face First immediately asked why Khaotung was absent from class today.

"Ah, I had some business with my mom earlier."

First nodded his head again in understanding. "Are you planning to go to my apartment?"

"No, I'm waiting for the building staff here. I'm going to rent one of the apartments here."

"I no longer live in  View apartment," Khaotung continued.

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