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Happy reading!!!

First is currently at Jun's place, Khaotung has classes while First doesn't have any classes, so after going to take Khaotung to campus, he decided to stop by Jun's house.
At first First talked about Jun's new friends who made a mess on campus some time ago, which thankfully has been resolved although the effect is now quite a lot of people still make fun of Khaotung, because so far Khaotung is straight, some of them joke about being gay to Khaotung without them knowing that the boy is currently really into men.

"I've already cut ties with them."

"Someone like you is friends with them, crazy."

Jun chuckled, Min also said the same thing.
The two of them fought so hard that they almost break up, First who heard Jun's story just sighed, he had expected it but he found it strange that Min was defending Jun instead of teaching him a lesson by asking for a break, for example.

"Then what about your relationship with Khaotung?"

First let out a puff of cigarette smoke before answering. Actually, there was a lesson in what happened to Khaotung because of Jun, he had many moments with Khaotung until they ended up together in a trial? Training? Whatever it was, the point was that they were together not very romantically.

"I have some things to tell you, do you want to hear?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Khaotung told me that he likes me," First said.

Jun, who was making coffee, laughed with a surprised face. "That's good," he responded.

"But I don't want to get into a relationship with him right away."

"Why? You want that, right?" Jun made a confused face.

"I do, but I don't want to just jump in. I like him but... I just don't think we can be together right away, but we were officially together yesterday at the club for some reason."


"You don't understand, do you?" First asked.

"You don't want to go out but end up being his boyfriend?"

"Right, he needs that status because he's going to his mom's house tomorrow and wants to tell his mom who he is."

Jun then told First to be quiet, he had a lot of important information to say, like a rain of bombs.

"He changed that fast? He even did things you would never do," Jun continued as he handed First his coffee.

"Did what?"

"Told your parents that you're gay."

First sighed and nodded his head in agreement. "I don't have that courage."

"So you're going to hide forever? Even though Khaotung has already made many such changes for you?"

"I wouldn't do that for anyone else," murmured First, recalling Khaotung's words of wanting to be recognized by his mother for his own sake rather than as proof for First that he did like him.

First liked that, someone who didn't put his lover in everything. Because basically, oneself is the most important.

"If I'm ready, if I really need it. That day, I will do it."

"I don't want to do it either, how nice it would be to stay in the safe zone."
"I'm so glad to hear that."

"Are you glad I'm gay?"

Mix chuckled and shook his head. "Not like that, I'm glad you found a new love. I'm happy when you're with View too, nothing different."

Khaotung gave Mix a thumbs up, it wasn't wrong that he idolized Mix. Who would have thought, now he was like Mix.

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