book one ❧ [iv]

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Pulling open the door of Jasmine & Pearls some weeks later, you were immediately greeted by an array of red, pink, and white. The entire store had been redecorated for the event. A short stage was set up against the far wall of the dining area, a small photobooth in another corner, and a station where you could learn to make an origami heart, if the pictures on the instructions taped to the wall above it were anything to guess off. The shop was already bustling and buzzing with energy, filled with couples and groups of friends. All in all, it looked like it was shaping up to be a successful night for them.

You got into possibly the longest line you could remember having waited in at Jasmine & Pearls in a while—you'd learned the rush times and had become a pro at avoiding them in order to get your boba fix as quick as possible—and continued looking around with a smile on your face.

Unfortunately, you were flying this one solo. Your friends were all either working or studying tonight, and you weren't going to flake after already promising Shotaro just because you couldn't find someone to come with you. But you could have plenty of fun by yourself. And, you didn't make any promise to stay the whole night. You'd stay just to finish your drink and maybe make an origami heart or two, depending on how good you were at them.

Finally, it was your turn to order, and you walked up to the register already with a big smile on your face.

Shotaro was manning the register while another employee fulfilled the orders. Your friend's face lit up immediately. "Y/N! You made it!"

"I told you I would. Did you doubt me?" You questioned in mock offense.

"Not for a second," he declared. Pointing to the little standee menu that was on the counter, he asked, "So what'll you have? I recommend one of our specials for the occasion, obviously."

You looked over the three new drink options that were advertised as for tonight's event only. One in particular caught your eye, strawberry milk tea with heart-shaped brown sugar tapioca pearls, and an added feel-good charm. "That Lovebug sounds good."

"Perfect! I knew you'd get that one! Coming right up!" He rang you up, but only took your credit card from your hand. "Sorry, no regular punch cards tonight. Instead, every purchase of a drink comes with a special event-only punch card."

"Oh?" You raised your eyebrows as he handed you a small pink card with four circles on it, one already punched out with a heart-shaped hole punch.

"Yep! If you complete all the activities we have tonight, you can redeem it for a free drink! You've already gotten a punch for purchasing a drink, then we've got the photobooth—" he pointed to the large box. "Just bring your photo strips up here, and I'll punch the card for you. And the origami, same thing. They don't have to be professional, as long as you tried, just show them to me, and I'll give you another punch. And then my boss, Baekhyun, is going to be hosting Valentine's Bingo in like ten, fifteen minutes. He'll punch everyone's cards who participates." He gestured to the stage, where you now saw a man starting to mess with a microphone and small table. "Don't worry, you can play single."

"Huh. Sounds good to me." You tucked the card into your pocket. "Thanks, Shotaro."

"Your drink will be out in a second!"

When you finally heard your name being called out by the other employee, you walked up and took the cup from him gratefully. It was another siren, who you weren't nearly as familiar with as Shotaro, but you still offered Yuta a smile as you accepted the drink.

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