book two ❧ [xii]

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"I feel like I'm going to throw up." You jabbed the crosswalk button repeatedly.

"It's going to be fine, Y/N," Sungchan reassured you, lacing his fingers with yours. "I've already met your parents before and it was fine."

"Yeah, once, for like two minutes, as my friend." You pointed out, banging the button with the side of your fist when it still hadn't changed.

You were of course talking about a random Sunday afternoon way back in the spring semester, before you and Sungchan had started dating. He had come over that day to help you put together your new coffee table that you'd finally gotten around to buying. Except, upon starting the assembling, the two of you had realized that neither of you had one of the tools required for it. Thankfully, your dad did, and offered to bring it by since he and your mom were about to head out to run errands anyway. Cue some very brief, very awkward introductions between your parents and Sungchan when they'd brought the promised tool. You weren't counting, but you would've bet money that you had called him your friend at least ten times during that less-than-five-minute conversation, with so much stress and nervous emphasis on the word that you wouldn't have been surprised if your parents had left your apartment that day already thinking that the two of you were dating.

But now you were actually supposed to be introducing him to them as your boyfriend, and you felt like you were going to throw up and pass out and die before you even got there.

Sungchan wordlessly let go of your hand to smoothly step between you and the crosswalk button, picking up your other hand to hold.

"Come on, you said it yourself that they were impressed with me after that two-minute conversation," he reminded you. "Imagine how great of an impression I'll leave after two hours."

"All I said was that my dad told me later that he was surprised that you were a werewolf because you were so calm," you corrected him. "He's used to all my friends from high school who had the bouncing-off-the-fucking-walls energy like Jeno."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"Which, by the way, I've already told them that you're not in a pack or anything like that, but pretty much all they know about werewolves is from my classmates and friends from when I was in high school. So... apologies in advance for any assumptions or comparisons they make."

"Right, the two packs you went to school with."

"Yeah, them. I told them you're not in a pack, and don't have any of that going on. It actually made my mom relax a lot more. I think all that stuff kind of scares her."

"What? Afraid that I'd whisk you away with my big werewolf muscles to my werewolf pack and she'd never hear from her poor little human daughter ever again?"

You burst out into an incredulous laugh. "You have got to stop talking about yourself like that or I'm seriously going to hurt your feelings one of these days, baby."

"By saying what? It's not like I'm lying?"

"Your ego is as stupid big as your stupid big werewolf muscles."

"Ha!" He cheered out victoriously. "So you admit it."

"Wasn't falling in love supposed to rot your brain? Make you more docile or whatever? I think it's just made you even worse..." You tutted, shaking your head.

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