book two ❧ [iv]

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Shotaro was enthused to receive his kelp rolls, not even commenting on you staying the night as he excitedly took his food into his room.

"You want something to eat?" Sungchan asked as he put the rest of the leftovers in the fridge.

"No. I ate plenty at your parents' house." You shook your head. Stretching and yawning, you started towards the hallway with their bedrooms. "You make your little post-dinner snack. Feed your half-werewolf metabolism. I'm going to get ready for bed."

"Feel free to take a sweatshirt or something."

"Way ahead of you."

Your boyfriend found you a few minutes later already curled up in his bed, bundled up in just one of his oversized hoodies. He scooted in next to you, encouraging you to move your head from the pillow to his lap as you went to snuggle up to his side instead.

"Whatcha eating, Sung?" You mumbled, mouth splitting into another yawn. All you could tell was that he had a bowl of some kind of finger food, as he'd brought no utensil in with him.

"Some fruit. Strawberries, honeydew, blueberries... Oh, you want a grape?"

"I'm still not entirely convinced that you're not trying to fatten me up to eat, you know?" You said teasingly. "Like some mix of the witch from Hansel and Gretel and the big bad wolf from Little Red Riding Hood..."

"Banana slice?"

But you knew it was just his instinct to feed you, so you always indulged him to a certain extent—not so much that you felt like you were going to burst, but enough to calm his need to know that you were well-fed.

"Mm, grape." You opened your mouth like a baby bird. He deposited the fruit on your tongue, but due to how you were laying, it landed more-so on the inside of your cheek. You had to sit up and prop yourself up on an elbow to chew and swallow properly without choking, but then promptly laid back down, nuzzling your face into his thigh.

Just a few seconds later, he asked you through a full mouth, "Baby? You want another?"

"I'm good, Sung, thank you," you replied sweetly. "Your dad's a really good cook, I ate a lot at dinner."

"Yeah, he is," he agreed proudly.

"Now finish your food so you can cuddle me to sleep."

"Yes, ma'am."

And less than ten minutes later, you were laid on your side, pulled flush to Sungchan's front, your back to his chest and your legs tangled together. You had one of his arms ensnared, fingers laced loosely with his as you wrapped the limb tighter around you. His face was buried in your neck, planting absentminded kisses to your skin as you were gently floating between waking and sleep.

"I used to think you liked him, for a little bit, you know," Sungchan murmured next to your ear, clearly a sudden blurting from his own train of thought that you weren't privy to.

Oh, this sounded like a conversation. You squinted your eyes open blearily, turning over in his arms to face him. Throwing a leg over his to pull him closer, you offered him a sleepy smile and asked, "Who?"

He readjusted to keep holding you like that, one hand resting where the bottom of the hoodie had ridden up around your hip, settling on your thigh. His thumb and forefinger messed with the hem of the sweater, and you could see his Adam's apple bob up and down in the dim light as he swallowed.

"Shotaro. Since you'd always ask if he was going to be at the apartment. But your heartrate never went up around him."

You hummed in amusement, reaching out to gently pinch the tip of his nose. "Endearing that you were listening to my heartbeat to figure out if I liked your roommate."

"But it did... go up around me sometimes. I knew that," he confessed, his eyes locking on yours, desperate. Like he was searching, asking you for something. Absolution, penance, maybe. "And it made me happy. Even though I had told myself that I shouldn't have you. It still... made me happy at first, but then it'd make me sad. That you hadn't moved on. Because I thought you'd deserved to move on."

But he'd done no sin that you needed to cleanse him of in your eyes. He was a guy who made a few mistakes and then finally made the right choice. After you smacked him upside the head with it, but nobody was perfect. The person who really needed to forgive him was himself. He was still stuck in the past, seemingly afraid that he could lose you at any moment. But he wasn't going to, and you wished he would just believe that.

"But you got me now," you promised, cradling his face and wishing he could feel just how much you really meant those words.

"I do." He brought his hand up to cover your own, and you felt like you could cry. "I do got you now."

"And I've got you."

"You've always had me. I just hadn't told you yet. But you've always had me," Sungchan admitted with a bittersweet smile, curling his hand around yours.

You surged forward to close the minute gap between the two of you, kissing him so hard that your lips hurt. Your fingers tangled in his hair, your hands grabbed at his shoulders, his clothes, anything to pull him closer to you. He was hugging you tight to him, thank god, because it felt like you could never be close enough. Your bones ached with a need to break the laws of physics and exist in the same time and space as him, and a tiny part of you believed that if you just wanted it enough, if you tried hard enough, maybe you could.

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