book two ❧ [ii]

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Your back ached. You had a crick in your neck. And another one in your back. And another one in another part of your back. And yet another one in one more part of your back. You groaned, rolling over in bed to try to crack some of the kinks out without having to actually get up.

That gave you pause. There was definitely a mattress underneath you, blankets covering you, and a pillow supporting your head. But you remembered falling asleep on the floor next to Sungchan's bed after his shift last night.

Squinting one eye open suspiciously, you saw that it was still very dark in his room, but you had without a doubt been mysteriously tucked into his bed. Much too tired to investigate past that, you pulled the blankets up over your head and buried your face in your pillow, very quickly falling back asleep.

When you woke up again, it was brighter outside, and at first you thought Sungchan had put a weighted blanket on you in the middle of the night. Odd choice, considering you didn't have one on you the first time you woke up, or at least that you could remember. And then you realized that Sungchan was your weighted blanket.

Your boyfriend was fully snuggled up on top of your back, completely passed out, as you were dozing on your front. You couldn't even roll him over, he was dead weight. With a sigh, you closed your eyes again, wondering if you'd be able to go back to sleep for a second—third?—time this morning.

"You up?" He mumbled in your ear, voice barely above a hoarse grumble.

"You're awake?" You asked in disbelief.


"So you're suffocating me on purpose?"

He rolled off onto the mattress next to you, and immediately your lungs could work better. "Oh, so when you do it to me, it's cute and I'm supposed to enjoy it, but when I do it, it's attempted murder and 'Ouch, Sungchan, get off of me, you're crushing me with your big, huge werewolf muscles.'"

"So I don't need to ask if you're feeling better," you scoffed, but nevertheless shifted onto your side to face him.

He wasn't pink-faced and sweaty anymore, instead looking unnaturally pale, with dark circles under his eyes like he'd pulled two all-nighters in a row for finals week. You cupped his cheek, gently running your thumb under one of his eyes. His skin wasn't warm to the touch, instead it felt the same temperature as yours—cold for a werewolf or half-werewolf.

"You've got a chill, Sung," you observed with a frown, taking your hand back as you prepared to get up.

"It's normal, baby," he reassured you, grabbing your arm to keep you from leaving. "Just uh... returning to homeostasis or whatever. I'll be okay."

"Alright... if you say so..." you sighed, staying put and pressing a kiss to his forehead, sneakily taking note of his temperature that way instead. "You can at least eat, right? Breakfast sound good?"

"Sure. In a minute."

"You stay here, I'll go make you something. Breakfast in bed. What's better than that?"

He pretended to deliberate on this, then grabbed you with two arms around your waist, pulling you to his chest. "This."

Tucked under his chin, you couldn't look up to read his face, instead just staring at his t-shirt. "Really? You're not hungry?"

"A little. But I won't die if I don't eat right now."

"Are you implying that you'll die if we don't cuddle right now?"

"Yes," he replied dramatically. "Absolutely. I'll simply perish if I don't get my Y/N time this instant."

You couldn't help but snicker at that, finally giving in. Not forgetting about his drop in temperature, you made sure to pull the blankets up around you two before you fully snuggled in, wrapping your arms around him and nuzzling your face into his chest.

"Alright, alright. Slow your roll on your imminent decay. I'm right here, Sung. Like I said last night, I'm not going anywhere."

"You did say that, didn't you?" He mused, tangling your legs together.

"Yeah, I did." You chewed on the inside of your cheek nervously. "Uhm... How much do you remember about your shifts?"

"While I'm fully shifted? Not a lot usually. Immediately before and after? Depends. Why? Did I do something?"

The hairs on the back of your neck stood up as you remembered the feeling of his teeth on your neck, of him asking to bite you, to give you his mating bite. Did he remember that? Sungchan wasn't bringing it up... Surely he'd mention it again now if he remembered, or was serious about it.

"Well, afterwards... you were kind of saying some stuff. I just didn't know if you—"

"Hey... look at me?" Sungchan requested as he leaned back from you. When you'd picked up your head to oblige, he looked you in the eye with no hesitation, his face entirely serious now. "Of course I meant it when I said I love you. I'm sorry I said it to you for the first time looking like a hot fucking mess, and again now not in much better shape, but I mean it all the same. I love you, my Y/N. So much. So goddamn much I feel like I could explode if I don't tell you every 5 seconds. Except you might get kind of tired of me if I did that."

Despite it not being the words you were expecting to hear, you were beaming from ear to ear, even managing out a choked laugh through the happy tears suddenly welling up in your eyes.

"Woah, hey, I didn't mean to make you cry with how bad my confession was," he joked, wiping at the first tear as it slipped down your cheek.

"Oh shut it!" You chastised him. "What have I told you about being a sweetheart?"

"Own up to it or don't do it at all," he recited dutifully. "I'm sorry, baby. I love you, so fucking much and I'm going to explode if you don't say it back maybe? But no pressure? Also, I love you. And no pressure to say it back right now."

"Oh my god, Sung, I love you too," you laughed, grabbing his face in both of your hands to pull his mouth to yours. "So fucking much."

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