book two ❧ [xiv]

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Entering Half Moon Bakery with a skip in your step, Sungchan stopped you just past the front door. The two of you had been out and about running various errands all day, and had finally popped into your friends' workplace for a little breather.

"I'll be right back." Sungchan pecked your forehead.

"I'll go order." You nodded, watching him disappear around the corner that led to the restrooms.

As you walked up to the counter, you offered the familiar wolf behind the counter a big smile. "Hey Jeno!"

"Hey, Y/N!" He grinned back. "So what can I get—"

He was cut off by a clanging from the kitchens behind him that made you jump out of your skin. The werewolf whipped around, concern etched on his features. He looked to you apologetically, "Sorry, I need to—"

"Go check on her," you agreed, not liking the distinct lack of cursing that had accompanied the raucous noise. "I wanted to pick something new today anyway, so I'll need some time."

"Thanks, be right back!" And with that, he darted into the back.

You did in fact meander over to the display case of pastries, bending at the waist to peer at your options. Humming along to the song playing over the speakers, when you heard footsteps coming up behind you, you figured that it was Sungchan.

"Back so soon, love?" You asked with humor in your voice, standing up straight and turning around. All warmth that was in your chest froze and turned to dread when you saw who was actually behind you.

"Y/N. Been a while since you called me that." You hadn't seen your ex in over a year. Not since a week after you'd found out he'd been cheating on you throughout the entirety of your short-lived relationship, when he'd come to pick up what few things he had at your place. But somehow he was at your friends' bakery now.

"I never did." You reminded him through gritted teeth. "And clearly I didn't mean to now."

Pivoting back around, you crossed your arms and stared straight ahead at the menu board behind the counter.

"Back to your old type, huh?" He was peeling back the collar of your blouse to reveal all of your mating bite.

You snapped around, slapping his hand away. "Don't fucking touch me."

"Humans weren't good enough, so you're back on the werewolf dick, of course."

You couldn't stand to be in here for another second with him sneering at you like this. He wasn't worth it. You could leave, go around the corner and text Sungchan and tell him where you are and what happened. The two of you could just go somewhere else for the afternoon.

"I'm not going to justify myself to someone like you, so if you'll excuse me—" You tried to walk past him, but he stepped in front of you, blocking your path.

He seized your wrist. "Y/N, come on—"

"Let go of her." Jeno had appeared at your side, stepping in between you and pulling your ex's hand off of you.

"Oh, Jeno," you breathed his name out as a sigh of relief, almost absent-mindedly, as you withdrew your hand back to your chest.

The human was unfazed, though, a sick delight lighting up his eyes as he looked Jeno up and down. "You must be the lucky dogboy. I should tell you, for your sake, she has a type, if you know what I mean. Dated two werewolves before me, and she broke up with me because I just couldn't satisfy her like she was used to."

"You're disgusting," you hissed.

"She broke up with you because you're a cheating scumbag, actually." Sungchan was back from the bathrooms, and strode up behind your ex, a deep frown already etched onto his features.

"That's the lucky wolf whose girlfriend you just manhandled." Jeno pointed up at him.

Sungchan clearly hadn't witnessed anything, as his eyebrows raised minutely at the word 'manhandled' before his frown became a hard glare and he pushed your ex back against the wall by the shoulder. "If you grab her again, you lose the hand and the arm it's attached to."

The human looked around Sungchan at you with wide eyes. You nodded firmly in agreement with what your boyfriend had just said. Sounded plenty reasonable to you.

"Get the fuck out of here and don't come back, we don't want scumbags for customers," Jeno growled, folding his arms over his chest.

The human had to wrench his shoulder out from Sungchan's grip, giving the lot of you a final glare before storming out of the bakery. When you could finally no longer see him, you let out a shaky breath, and Sungchan immediately came over to wrap his arms around you. There was a vein protruding on his forehead that you weren't used to seeing, and his jaw was still clenched tightly.

"Thanks, Sung." You pressed yourself into his side, all too happy to be back in his familiar warmth. You weren't going to forget about your friend that had come to your aid first, though. "You too, Jeno."

"Yeah, thank you, Jeno." Sungchan clapped the other werewolf on the back sincerely. "On one hand I'm so sorry I wasn't here, Y/N, but on the other... I'm kind of glad I wasn't because—"

"You might've actually broken his hand if you had been. I know, I know." Jeno interrupted him humorously, despite how not humorous that outcome would've been. Satisfactory in the moment, yes, but ultimately not worth the criminal charges he could've pressed against Sungchan. "Try some werewolf meditation apps."

"They have those?"

"You've never had to look into those before. Ha! Mr. Zen Werewolf taking advice on werewolf meditation apps from me! Oh, hold on, she's going to get a kick out of this one, I've got to go tell her." Jeno pointed to the kitchen over his shoulder with a thumb, turning around and pushing a door open, laughing the whole way back.

As Jeno relayed this hilarious revelation to his girlfriend, Sungchan led you over to a small loveseat in the corner of the bakery, settling the two of you down on it. Judging by the dual cackling laughter now coming from the kitchens, it was going to be a while before you'd be able to get your pastries.

"I know I can't prevent everything bad ever from happening, but..." Sungchan laced his right hand with your left and rubbed slow circles into your skin with his thumb. "I hope you'll always let me be there with you after."

You rested your head on his shoulder, gazing at your lunar rings displaying matching half moons. "Always, Sung. We made a deal, remember?"

"Of course," he said, and you could hear the smile in his voice before he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.

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