book one ❧ [x]

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You shifted uncomfortably as you stood in front of the front door to Shotaro and Sungchan's apartment. Your hair wasn't as damp thanks to your long walk in the hot Sun, and your skin was dry, but you still held yourself as you stared down the center of the white door. You hadn't knocked yet. You didn't want to know what Shotaro had told Sungchan, having already convinced yourself that it was everything. That you were about to walk into Friendzoning 2: Electric Boogaloo, this time with Letting Y/N Down Easy. It made your stomach churn, your chest squeeze like a vice around your heart, and your head feel like it had been cast in lead.

You shifted your weight between your feet on the welcome mat, trying to muster up the strength to just knock on the fucking door, when it swung open.

Sungchan was in a pair of dark sweatpants and a dark red t-shirt from your school's astronomy club—dated for fall two years ago. He offered you a familiar smile, stepping back from the doorway to make room for you. "Hey, I thought I heard you. Come in."

"Hey. And thanks." You nodded, slipping by him into his apartment.

Wordlessly, he started leading the way further back towards his room. You longingly looked at the wide-open space of the living room as you disappeared down the hallway. In his bedroom, you saw his desk taken up by his laptop and a spread of notebooks and papers. His bookbag was in his desk chair.

"Sorry, I know that's your usual spot, but I was doing some homework." Sungchan had noticed where your gaze was focused. He patted the foot of his bed as he went to sit down against the headboard. "Come on, you can sit with me for once."

You swallowed and nodded, stepping back out of your shoes and setting your bag down. Climbing onto the end of his bed, you sat with your legs criss-crossed, fidgeting with your fingers in your lap.

"So why did Shotaro text you?" You decided to just go straight into it. No small talk or pleasantries about his class or what homework he was working on. "What'd he say?"

"He told me that he told you that I'm half-werewolf," Sungchan said bluntly. "I figured I owed you a bit more of an explanation."

Oh. Well that wasn't what you were expecting at all.

"You really don't owe me anything, Sungchan," you shook your head, your eyes trained on his comforter. "You don't have to explain who you are to me if you don't want to."

"I want to."

It was a touching sentiment, but it felt like a hot knife right in your gut. He wanted to because he cared about you as a friend. Not in the same way that you cared about him.

You could only manage a soft, "Okay..."

"It's not some big secret, really. I'm not ashamed of my dad or anything. I love him, he's a cool guy." Sungchan started, and you felt like that first part was more to reassure you that it was okay for you to know. He was pointing to a picture that you'd seen a countless number of times before, hanging next to the mirror above his dresser. It was of him at his high school graduation, flanked on either side by his parents, proud, beaming smiles on all of their faces. You'd always assumed they were both werewolves when you'd looked at that picture, and only ever noticed that Sungchan got his smile from his mom, and his nose from his dad. The height difference between his mom and dad never really registered to you, as Sungchan towered over both of them, but now you did see that his mom was almost a head taller than his dad. Not a trait intrinsic to either species, just more of a trend.

But then, his tone turned a little more pensive, "I just... don't tell people at first because I get a whole slew of questions, from the mundane stuff like 'How was it growing up with one werewolf parent and one human parent?' Which like... I don't know, it was like growing up with two parents? To the people who think that I'm some oddity and therefore they can just ask me completely unprompted about what my dick looks like. And then at the end of it, it doesn't really matter anyway. I'm just some dumb mutt to them, no matter how you look at it."

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