book two ❧ [viii]

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Stopping in front of a familiar red brick townhouse, you ran up the couple short steps to knock on the front door before you could psych yourself out. You and Sungchan had decided to go through with the mating bite after the next full moon in one week, which was a couple days after the end of the summer semester. It gave him time to focus on his finals, and fell in the two-week break between the summer semester ending and the fall semester starting. This was going to be your last year as undergraduates, both you and Sungchan were graduating in the spring. You could hardly believe that you only had two more semesters left of your bachelor's degree. And then you had grad school.

But right now, you had this: The front door being opened to reveal Mr. Jung to you, a smile immediately crossing his face as he recognized you. Even behind the glasses perched on his nose, you could easily see Sungchan in his features.

"Hi, Mr. Jung," you greeted him politely.

"Oh, hey, Y/N." He tucked the pen that was in his hand behind his ear. "Here to see Jieun?"

"Uh, no. Sorry to just drop in, but I wanted to talk to you about something, actually. Do you have time for some tea?"

He backed up, waving you in. "Sure, of course. Come on in."

"Thank you." You walked in with a grateful head dip, taking your denim Jasmine & Pearls baseball cap off as you passed over the threshold of the front door.

"Sungchan's got a hat just like that," Mr. Jung commented, leading you further into the home. "Or is that one his?"

"Oh, we actually won them in a game at the boba shop that Shotaro works at. We each have our own." You looked over the purple embroidered logo fondly. "It's kind of how we met. The second time."

"Right, the boba tea place that Shotaro works at..." He echoed, recognition in his tone.

You followed Mr. Jung upstairs, which you didn't get to see the last time you'd been over for dinner. He led you into a room with wallpaper depicting cartoon spaceships, planets, moons, and stars. The ceiling was covered in glow in the dark stars, and even the curtains were embroidered with star maps. The furniture itself was set up to be an adult's home office, though, despite the shell having clearly been a child's bedroom. There were still some shelves on the wall with trophies from science fairs and sports teams.

"Sorry, Jieun doesn't drink tea, and the electric kettle in the kitchen is busted." Mr. Jung half-explained why he'd brought you in here, another electric kettle in his hand. "Give me a second, I need to fill this up."

"Of course," you nodded, not entirely paying attention to what he was saying. Truly, you were still looking around at what was obviously Sungchan's childhood bedroom.

Any kids' furniture was gone and replaced with a desk, laptop, two chairs, and a printer. But you didn't mind, as you leaned in to read the little engravings on his science fair trophies, and from his soccer teams, and baseball teams, and spelling bees, and mathletes competitions—god, you were dating a mathlete? He'd failed to mention that. There was a picture that looked like it was from a field trip from primary school, of his whole class in front of a space shuttle at the closest space and natural history museum. You squinted your eyes as you studied the picture, trying to figure out which one was your boyfriend.

"Sungchan's the really tall one that you probably thought was a teacher's helper," Mr. Jung said humorously, announcing his return.

You turned around, the picture still in your hand, and your eyes immediately landed on the child he was referring to. Gangly, awkward, nearly a head taller than the rest of the kids, but still smiling so brightly—his crooked smile gap-toothed at that moment in time—because he was just so, so excited to be there.

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