book two ❧ [vi]

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As you finished up your lunch, your mind wouldn't stop turning over what Shotaro had said. If Sungchan had been serious, would you say yes? You knew from class what the bite meant to werewolves within packs, but did it mean the same thing to Sungchan since he was half-werewolf? Did that even make a difference? Not to mention that you weren't any part werewolf, the exchanging of bites was supposed to be an entire ritual similar to a couple exchanging rings on their wedding day. You couldn't exactly bite him back. And the couple online was already legally married anyway...

Well, you did know one other werewolf/human couple that you could talk to, at least. You quickly texted Jeno.

[you: hey, are you home right now?]

Miraculously, he texted back almost immediately.

[jeno: yeah, just got back from a run]

[jeno: why?]

[you: mind if i come over really quick? need some advice on something with sung]

[jeno: oh sure]

[jeno: everything okay? should i have tissues out...?]

[you: omg no like werewolf stuff]

[jeno: oh good]

[you: thanks though. be over in a few]

Standing up from the couch, you stood off to the side of the TV so you didn't block Shotaro's show as you announced, "I'll be right back."

The siren gave a thumbs up in acknowledgement as his focus remained on the screen. You nodded before hurrying to pull your shoes on. The last thing to do before leaving was shoot off a text to Sungchan.

[you: hey sung, i've got a quick errand to run. i should be back before you get home from class, but just in case i'm not, i'll be coming right back to the apartment! love you!]

⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

"Hey, Jeno, thanks for having me over on such short notice." You offered your friend a nervous smile as you stepped into his apartment.

"I'm not your professor that you're seeing outside of his office hours, Y/N," he chuckled, shutting the door behind you. "Don't worry about it. What's up? You said it's something about Sungchan?"

"Is your girlfriend here?" You looked around the living room as the two of you sat down.

Jeno tilted his head curiously. "No, she's at the bakery this afternoon. Did you need her too?"

"Not necessarily, it's just..." You dropped your head into your hands, frustrated. "I don't even know where to start."

"Try to start at the beginning?"

"Right. Sung let me be with him on the last full moon."

"Wow. I haven't even done that." Jeno sounded genuinely impressed.

"Well... Uhm, do you know? About Sung?"

He stared at you blankly. "Need you to be way more specific here. I have no clue what you're talking about."

You tried to pick your words carefully to give him enough of a hint if he did know without outright telling him if he didn't know. You were sure that Sungchan wouldn't mind if Jeno knew that he was half-werewolf, but you still didn't feel like that was your place to go around telling people. "About his parents?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah." Your friend nodded in recognition. "Half-werewolf, that's why he was able to have you there, duh."

"Anyway, when he was coming back out of the shift afterwards, he mentioned us... he mentioned the werewolf mating bite."

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