book one ❧ [xi]

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Leaping to your feet at the knock that just came from your front door, you ran to answer it. You threw the door open, abuzz with excitement.

It was just about a week later, and you and Sungchan were finally trying that date again. You'd actually seen him once in the intermittent days, at a previously scheduled group movie night at Jeno and Jaemin's place. The two of you were all knowing smiles and questionably accidental bumps and brushes of skin under the blanket that you shared that night.

But tonight Sungchan was in your hallway, smiling nervously down at you. "Hi."

"Hi, Sungchan." You fidgeted with your shirt. He had specifically told you to dress casually and comfortable, but you still felt weirdly underdressed, even seeing that he was in a t-shirt and jeans himself.

"These are for you," he said quietly, bringing out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back.

As you accepted them from him, you immediately realized that they were made of paper, intricately folded tulips, lilies, and roses of all colors. You couldn't help but let out a small gasp, thinking about how much time it must have taken him. "An origami bouquet. Oh, Sungchan..."

"I figured you had plenty of hearts by now..." He said as he flushed from his neck upwards.

"They're beautiful." You got on your tiptoes, putting a hand on his shoulder to steady yourself as you pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek. "Thank you."

His cheeks were bright pink as you turned around to set them down inside, then looked back to him expectantly. The werewolf led the way out to the parking lot, except you didn't see his car anywhere around. There was a familiar old blue pickup truck, however, which he was walking towards.

"Your car in the shop or something?" You asked curiously. "Why are you driving Yuta's truck?"

"Utility." He answered cryptically, opening the passenger door for you.

"What does that mean?" You questioned with a chuckle, scooting into the middle of the bench seat.

You'd gotten your seatbelt situated by the time Sungchan had walked around and opened the driver's side. He didn't seem to have been expecting you to be in the middle, pausing for a second, and looking around flustered as he climbed into the truck too.

"It's a surprise, like I said," he muttered, fastening his own seatbelt and starting the truck.

Sungchan drove with one hand on the wheel, the other on his leg next to yours. You drummed your fingers on your own knee contemplatively.



"Can I hold your hand?"

"Wh— Yeah, of course." He laughed shakily as you laced your fingers with his. "You don't need to ask me about stuff like that."

"Well you're so tense right now that I was afraid that if I just grabbed your hand, you might freak and crash the car."

He cringed. "So you can tell?"

"Yeah, I can tell." You patted his arm with your other hand. "What's got you so wound up? It's just me."

"Well, yeah, it's you," he repeated. "I've already messed up so many times with you. I don't want to fuck up again."

You contemplated this for a second, watching the passing streetlights. "Think about it like this: Could you possibly fuck up again worse than our first date?"

"I hope not."

"Then you're already off to a great start."

"Y/N, I think you need higher standards," he said without an ounce of humor or joking in his tone.

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