book two ❧ [iii]

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Dr. and Mr. Jung lived in a two-story townhouse just a couple blocks over from campus. The old bricks on the face of it were a warm red, and as you got closer, you saw that there were shimmery flecks mixed into the rogue.

"How old are these buildings?" You asked Sungchan, reaching out to touch one of the bricks around the entryway. "There's dragon scales in the brick."

"There's what?" Sungchan's eyes widened, and you pointed to a particularly large chunk, about the size of the head of a thumbtack. It reflected amber in the setting sun.

"Dragon scales. They used to be incorporated into building materials to make them more durable. You know, before integration. There's been really big debates at like, every open-door City Hall meeting about if we should keep buildings up that have dragon scale brick in them or not, since so many dragons had to be killed to make them."

"Oh my god."

"So far it looks like they're going to move towards tearing down abandoned buildings made of dragon scale brick at least."

"How-How many dragons? Were killed?"

"We have no way to know. And the thing is, you can gather dragon scales without hurting a dragon, it's just not going to be enough to make dragon scale brick of any usable quantity."

"So it should've never been made."

"No. It shouldn't have." You turned away from the wall with a shake of your head. "Anyway, that's why I was asking how old these homes are. They're by the university, so pretty old, I guess."

"I have no clue. You'd have to ask my parents." Sungchan ushered you towards the door with a hand on the small of your back.

"I don't think I will. Not incredible meet-the-parents dinner conversation, really."

"As much I want to say they'll love you anyway, which they would, I do have to agree with you. Maybe save the existential horror of the materials of their home for the second dinner." He kissed the top of your head.

"Will do." You nodded. "Now, are you going to knock on the door, or are we going to keep standing out here like we're casing the place?"

"Oh, sorry, you can't hear that. My mom's—"

And then the sound of the front door unlocking came, and you looked up at Sungchan questioningly. It was opened by a face familiar to you only from pictures.

Dr. Jung was already beaming at you. "Hello! Oh, I'm sorry if I startled you, Y/N. I was grading in my office and could hear you two coming up the steps, got a bit excited." She gestured to the window next to the brick that you'd been discussing.

Dr. Jung was an economics professor at your university, though you'd never taken a class from her personally.

"I was about to give you a heads up," Sungchan patted you on the back. "I heard her footsteps, that's—"

"—why you weren't knocking. Of course." You nodded, then turned your focus back to Sungchan's mother. "It's lovely to meet you, Dr. Jung."

"You too, Y/N." She was still smiling ear-to-ear as she reached forward to take your hands. "You'll have to tell me more about the history of these dragon scale bricks, I truly had no idea."

You looked at Sungchan in alarm, and he just shrugged. But she was already leading you into the house by your hand, your boyfriend trailing behind.

"Mom, I don't even get a hug? No hello for your own son?" Sungchan complained dramatically, closing the door behind you three.

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