book one ❧ [ix]

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The spring semester ended not long after Jeno's birthday party, and you very thankfully didn't have to take any summer classes, freeing up a lot of spare time for you. Sungchan, on the other hand, had to take a couple courses in order to make sure he would graduate on time. While you jokingly whined and complained when he told you about it, you were secretly relieved to have extra reasons to avoid him. As terrible as that sounded.

This afternoon, while he was in class, you had gone down to the river with Shotaro and Yuta, who miraculously both had a day off work at the same time. You didn't even realize Jasmine & Pearls had enough employees to let the both of them take the same day off.

You were sat in your pop-up chair on the small beachy area, pulling your phone from your bag to check it while the two sirens continued lazing about in the waist-deep water. There was a text from Sungchan from a few minutes ago, and as you opened it up to read it, you realized that he was just sending you a funny picture he'd found somewhere online.

[you: aren't you supposed to be focusing on class right now?]

"Sungchan?" Shotaro called out to you knowingly.

"What?" You yelled back, holding a hand up to shadow your face from the sun. Looking around your chair, you grabbed your baseball cap that you'd won in Valentine's Bingo, pulling that on now that you were out of the water.

"You've got this little smile on your face that you only get when Sungchan texts you."

"No I do not."

Yuta stood up from where he had been floating on his back, shaking the water out of his hair as he asked you with a smirk, "So you don't have a text from Sungchan on your phone screen right now?"

Your phone buzzed then, a welcome excuse to not have to answer that.

[sungchan: allegedly]

[you: i don't want you whining to me when you fail that class]

You clicked your phone off, showing them the blank screen. "Nope, nothing on my screen."

"You're such a liar," Yuta sighed, saying it as if it were as simple of a fact as the sky being blue or the grass being green. He trudged through the water up the shore until he could join you, plopping down in his chair next to yours. They had both kept their legs this afternoon instead of bringing out their tails, and he kicked his apart as he got comfortable.

Shotaro jogged up from the water too, grabbing the cooler and rooting around in it for a second. After securing the other half of his sandwich from the lunch that you all had eaten earlier, he sat down next to Yuta, taking a big bite from it.

You took Yuta's lead and settled back in your chair, closing your eyes and just enjoying the warmth of the late afternoon Sun.

"He talks about you all the time, by the way." Shotaro cut into your peace and quiet. If you had something within arm's reach other than your metal reusable water bottle, you would've thrown it at him.

"Shotaro..." You groaned, rolling your eyes. You didn't even need to ask who he was talking about.

"Seriously! 'Y/N and I did this today.' 'Don't wait up for me, I'm going to the movies with Y/N.' 'Y/N told me this funny story today.' 'Did you know such and such about this or that? Y/N's so smart.'" He admittedly did a pretty good Sungchan impression. You would've laughed at it in any other context, but instead you were just annoyed.

"Yeah, well, we're friends. We hang out, and do things together. He's going to be talking about me," you snapped. "He talks about you a bunch too. Because you guys, you know, live together. He also talks about his professors, and Jeno, and—"

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