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At Minho's House
After the tramuatising incident, Jisung was still shaking non-stop as his hands tremble in Minho's long vieny ones. Minho swore he was going to end that Sunwoo guy no matter what he hurt his baby and now he was going to hurt him. He could claim any mafia gang if he wanted to but for now he has to focus on his baby squirrel shaking. Minho just wanted to hold him so tightly, cover his face with small kisses and be there for him. He was a manic to many mafia leaders, if he wanted something he was going to get it no matter what. He had to find out all the information about Kim Sunwoo however it takes. He will make sure he makes Sunwoo regret the fact that he was even born. He payed the top hacker in the world to find all information of Sunwoo then he will play with him and last but not least his favourite part he was going to break him mentally, emotionally and physically. He had a plan planned out plan.

Call him with a unknown phone number, scare him with the information they got, play with him. Once they know he was mentally unstable they would kidnapp him and torture him till he wanted to die.

"Hyungie..." Jisung called out. Minho turned to look at his boyfriend and smiled.

"I am scared that he will come back..."

"It's ok baby I will protect you no matter what!" Minho demanded proudly.

Jisung smiled softly and nodded. Standing up, he walked over to Minho's lap and sat on it laying his head on the crook of Minho's neck, taking in the scent of his colonge. Minho wrapped his arms around Jisung's waist and pull him closer to himself. Minho stood up and brought him to his room to rest for a while but when they were just about to sleep. Felix barged in and yelled, "Hannie!" Jisung and Minho sat up immediately after hearing the sudden sound when they knew who it was both erupted into laughter by Felix funny behaviour. "Lixie, I am here and okay."

"Hannie!" Felix said once more before pouncing on Jisung engulfing him into a tight hug before crying, "Hannie, I was so worried about you! Who did it?"


"That fucker! I am going to kill him!"

"No need for that Felix." Minho replied with a evil grin which sent shivers down Jisung and Felix's spine.

All of them knew it wasn't going to end well for Sunwoo... right?

Sry if this chapter was too short I couldn't think anything much but I will improve on the next few chapters ahead!

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