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TWELVE, page forty.

fact #17: Toru is the incarnation of gluttony.

TORU purred as you ran your hands through his soft fur and then there's you who's so unbelieving of what you're seeing.

"Suguru, why the fuck is Toru fat?" You asked with widened eyes to Suguru who choked on his caprisun hearing your comment. Meanwhile, Toru just stared up at you offended.


"Hehe, he got cuter." You finished your sentence before Toru can have the time to sulk. You smooshed his cute little head into your cheeks. Kissing and caressing his white fur.

'Oh, It was meant to be a compliment, my hard work paid off.' Toru felt smug. All he does in your absence is to eat, and he believes that's his job.

"But I think I need him to go to the vet, I read somewhere that being too fat is unhealthy for them." You sighed that made Suguru roll his eyes.

"It's not my fault, it's that bastards fault. I feed him the way you told me but apparently, that wasn't enough for him. After I feed him, he'd go to the neighbors' doorsteps and repeatedly ask for food. Of course, they'd give in to him. Also, when I drop him off at your shop, he also asks them for food as if he hadn't eaten for days. Greedy bastard," he grumbled and glared at the cat that's in your lap who looked back at him with equal annoyance.

The cat meowed in protest.

"Aaaand Maki and the others came knocking down on my door angrily one night because they thought I was neglecting him. That situation was so scary. Thank god they saw that menace scarfing down on a BIG SALMON in the living room." He shivered as he recalled that night.

"Eh? Really? He wasn't like this before, maybe he's stress eating," you only dismissed his comment with a laugh.

"That bastard religiously eats the grasses and plants at my backyard."


TWELVE, page forty-one.

fact #18: we're getting closer and closer to the dreaded arc, the past life of our dear characters.

You were fast asleep in the guest bedroom that Suguru lent you. You were snoring comfortable under the duvets but one little soul was still awake.

"Nya..." He mewled lowly in the dark as he watched the moonlight seep in into the bedroom and into your form. He meowed as his paws touched your cheeks.

'I miss you,' it keeps repeating over and over in his mind, the feeling of loneliness were eating him away. It was like as if he was The Strongest once again.

TOE BEANS, cat gojo satoruWhere stories live. Discover now