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FOURTEEN, page forty-five.
fact #24: sometimes I wait for this book to update
until I realize that I'm the author. damn.

GOJO's heart stopped as his slitted eyes stared at Shoko.

Her eyes, dull and lifeless, now seemed to bore into his very soul. The words she spoke echoed in his mind, a reminder that this was wrong. very wrong.

'You're Gojo Satoru aren't you?'
'You're Gojo Satoru aren't you?'
'You're Gojo Satoru aren't you?'

A sense of dread washed over him as the alarm bells rang louder and louder, urging him to take action before it was too late.

But he can't, he stood there, in his cat glory, torn between two choices, trying to decide what to say. His mind was racing, his heart pounding, as he struggled to find the right words.

He couldn't make up his mind. For once, Gojo Satoru hesitated.

'Should I say yes? or should I say no?'

'Wrong choice and this choice would cause a paradox.'

He was still hesitating when Shoko boomed out a laugh.

"Pft! This is ridiculous. It was as if you could understand it. Calm down kitty, I was just messing with ya. It was just that you look very similar to someone. Such a shame that Gojo kid is still in between life and death. Here, more head pats for you!"

Satoru is lost in his thoughts, his head ringing with a million different things. He doesn't even pay attention to Shoko's gentle head pats or hear her sweet words of adoration.

It's as if he's in his world, disconnected from everything around him.

He doesn't even belong in this world.

'That... kid? Does that mean a version of me exists... here?'

"Damn, this cat is just so expressive and dramatic as fuck." Shoko cackled meanwhile Toru was still out of his mind.

"Shoko! Stop bothering Toru and go get changed!" Your voice brought his mind back down to earth, cutting off his thoughts.

"Yes ma'am!" Shoko got up and started walking towards the guest room.

Toru's ears drooped down as he stared at Shoko's retreating form.

'Just what is happening?'

FOURTEEN, page forty-six.
fact #25: I can't help but be proud of myself
time I read this book from chapter one
my current drafts, I can tell that my writing
has improved.
Though not much, but still,
progress is progress.

TOE BEANS, cat gojo satoruWhere stories live. Discover now