Study time

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To study Felix needed absolute silence. Even the slightest sound could distract him. And Minho and Jisung wouldn't have been silent.

"You can go to my room" Minho proposed, "there should be no one now". Before he left, there was no one there, and he didn't believe that within 5 minutes Chan would return from wherever he was outside the school.

"Are you sure it's okay?". It would have been strange for Felix to be in someone else's room without that person being with him. He would have felt out of place.

"Don't worry" he reassured him, "if someone comes in tell them you're my friend". Felix nodded and proceeded to leave the room where Jisung and Minho were now beginning their usual lesson. He could not go to anyone else. There was who were out of school, who were busy doing something else; the library had been closed temporarily for some maintenance, and the raven-haired's room was the only option left.

He went upstairs, going up the stairs where he came across only two students descending to the lower floors to go who knows where.

He reached the room door number 236.

Believing that Minho had been sure that there was no one in the room at the time, Felix knocked once, just in case, and then opened the door immediately.

Before he could close it he noticed that there were two people inside, lying on the left bed, embraced.

They both had black hair. One of the two was lying on his back, without a shirt, while with one hand he held the phone and with the other caressed the back of the boy above him, who had only half of his body —the upper half— resting on his torso, with his head on his chest and his arms wrapped around his body, as far as he could. One leg was resting on top of the other boy's.

Felix opened his eyes wide and his heart accelerated his heartbeat, embarrassed to have entered without much notice interrupting an intimate moment between people he did not know. Or so he thought.

Both of them turned their heads towards the blond as soon as they heard the door open, and he could recognize Hyunjin, who was on top of the other guy he had never seen before —or so he believed.

"Uh..." he stuttered, unable to find the right words to use to apologize and get the fuck out.

Did Hyunjin have a boyfriend? Did Hyunjin like boys?

The latter detached himself from the other boy, who turned his head towards him in surprise, and then sat down and looked back at Felix, who could not move and was quickly blushing with shame.

"Oi, Felix" Hyunjin greeted him, his tone obviously embarrassed to have been caught in such a situation. He would never have done such a thing except with his closest friends, because they were situations in which he felt vulnerable. He had been feeling very stressed lately and had asked Chan to cuddle up to relieve some stress; it really helped him.

"Hi" Chan decided to greet him too.

"Hi" the blond stuttered, "uh... sorry to interrupt you, I didn't think there was anyone here, I'll go somewhere else" he hurried to explain, but when he was about to leave the voice of the older one was heard.

"Don't worry, why are you here? Do you need something?".

"I am a friend of Minho-hyung, and since he is in my room for tutoring, he advised me to come here to find some silence in order to study," his gaze for a moment also shifted to Hyunjin, who had his eyes low on his hands and slightly red ears.

Chan seemed to understand that Felix didn't have many options, so he told him there was no problem, he wasn't bothering them and they wouldn't bother him.

Though reluctantly, Yongbok, not knowing where else to go, decided to stay.

"I'm Bang Chan by the way, nice to meet you" he stood up and extended one hand, which the other accepted without a second thought.

"I'm Felix, nice to meet you too" he shook his hand. And Chan knew it. He knew he was that Felix, but he said nothing.

"Do you already know each other?" the older man's gaze fell on the two boys, thinking back to the way Hyunjin had greeted him.

"We've spoken a couple of times, we're acquaintances" the latter hastily explained, as a matter of urgency, not wanting Chan to think wrong about their relationship, getting a look from him that asked many questions, to whom he replied with a glance that postponed the explanations until later.

The raven-haired felt a little annoyed by the presence of the blond. He liked him and everything, but that really wasn't the time to bother them, but he didn't show it, sitting on the desk and pulling out sheet and colors —while the blond studied and the older lay on the bed— to distract himself from any thoughts that came through his mind.

But he ended up being invaded by his thoughts, which he found himself throwing on paper, drawing something he never expected to portray.

His thoughts were Felix.

When he admired the drawing he noticed what he had done and for a moment wondered why. But he didn't have time to answer that Chan's voice made itself heard, and Hyunjin turned the sheet over to hide it from other people's eyes. "So Hyunjin, are you coming at the party Saturday?".

"Yes" he simply replied. He didn't understand why, but at that moment he was feeling maybe a little uncomfortable expressing himself in literally any way.

"What about you Felix?" Chan tried to make conversation.


"Are you going at Jackson's party tomorrow?" at that moment he regretted having disturbed him but could not go back. He knew the boy was a guy who usually went to parties, so he felt he could ask that question.

"Oh, yes. Will you guys be there too?". The other nodded.

"Oh, are you drawing?" Felix noticed, intrigued.

"Yes, I like to draw" Hyunjin admitted. Art had always been his passion from an early age.

All the drawings he made meant something to him, so he was afraid to show the other two that portrait, he was afraid of what they might think and the upcoming questions he wouldn't want to answer, which he couldn't answer, because he himself was confused inside and could not explain.

That's when Chan got a message. One of those messages that he had repeatedly specified he didn't want to receive, but those guys who were his friends sent him anyway.

He entered the chat with the intention of deleting the message and rewriting for the umpteenth time that he was not interested in receiving those videos. A guy his friends knew was spreading video and audio in which he fucked his boyfriend, a guy that Chan didn't want to know the identity of because he wasn't interested in all that. He was always filmed from behind, his blond hair was the only thing that could be distinguished besides the sweaty body and strong arms.

And it was there that he began to understand something. He looked up and met the dark eyes of one of the two guys staring at him as questions passed through his tender irises.

It was there that he noticed the similarities. The hair, the voice. The fact that he slept with several guys.

Chan looked at him, a myriad of silent words of sorrows in his eyes.

And here the story begins.

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