The One With The Pizza Party

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Naomi woke up early in the morning, the sun hitting her face. She rolled out of the bed, going to check her face in the mirror. She groaned as she saw her morning face, going to make some coffee. Monica came through her door, smiling and already dressed.

"Oh, no! Don't start a pot of coffee, we'll meet up with the rest of the group at Central Perk." Monica smiled, shooing me to get ready. I took a satisfying shower and got dressed in my black jeans and long sleeved v-neck. I did my regular make up and walked out, ready to go, just as Rachel came out of her room.

Joey skipped down the stairs, walking out of the apartment building with Chandler. "You think Naomi's gonna be there?" Joey asks, excitedly, walking to Central Perk that's across the street.

"Well, unless Mon and Rachel threw her in an orphanage already, then yes." Chandler replied sarcastically. Joey just rolled his eyes, walking through the door. Joey and Naomi spotted each other right away, smiling.

Naomi sat on the couch, sipping her coffee already, and Joey sat down next to her, Rachel taking his order of coffee. "So, you figured out your 'inspiration' for your book?" Joey smirked.

"Well, considering I've been here for less than an hour," Naomi smirked, "No." Joey chuckled as Rachel handed him his coffee.

"I cannot believe this!" Ross barged through the door, flopping angrily on the couch next to Naomi, bouncing her up and down. Chandler turned to make a smart remark, but Monica quickly covered his mouth.

"Carol and Susan won't let me have a say in what our baby's last name is going to be!" He rests his head on the back of the couch. They had to inform Naomi that Ross' wife ended up being lesbian, and is now pregnant with his child.

"Why won't they give you any say? It's your baby!" Naomi says, trying to be supportive of Ross. "Thank you!" Ross says, appreciative. "Susan believes she has more rights to my child, since her and Carol..."

"That's ridiculous, it's your baby." Naomi says enthusiastically, pulling her legs underneath her. When she supported something, she was all in.

"I like this one." Ross points to Naomi, smiling at everyone. Naomi just smiles appreciatively.

Rachel walked past Ross, and she noticed how Ross watched her. Naomi leaned towards Joey, whispering in his ear, "He likes Rachel?" And Joey just nods, smiling. "Crazy about her." Joey replies. Naomi smirked as she sipped her coffee, watching Ross drool over Rachel.

Just then, Phoebe comes rushing through the door, looking panicked. "You guys! You GUYS!" Phoebe exclaims so loud that everyone in the coffee house looks at her. Phoebe waves them off and sits down next to Naomi and Monica on the couch.

"What is it Phoebe?" Monica asks, suddenly curious.

"I found a thumb!" Phoebe says, looking excited. Chandler looks down at his own two thumbs, his eyebrows raising as he jumps out of his seat.

"By golly, I found two thumbs!" Chandler exclaims, smirking and sitting back down.

"That's not what I mean. Look, I found a thumb in this can of soda." Phoebe outstretches her arm so that we can see inside the can, and all of us pull away disgusted, except for Joey.

"Cool! Where did you find it, I want one!" Joey says, his eyes lighting up with excitement. Naomi looked at him with a small smile on her face. She had to admit, he was very cute when he was excited. A little dumb and gross, but cute.

"Maybe you should go tell the place where you got that soda about the thumb..." Monica suggests with a disgusted look on her face, and Naomi agrees, nodding.

"Yeah, good idea. I'll see you guys later." Phoebe stands up, staring into the soda can as she walks out the door.

"Hey guys, since it's Friday, Joey and I wanted to know if you guys are okay with coming over and having a pizza." Chandler says, still looking a little sick from the thumb.

"Sure, I haven't seen your guys' apartment yet." Naomi says, setting down her coffee.

"Alright, come over at around 4 then." Joey says, smiling. Naomi couldn't help but notice him only smiling at her. She shook off the feeling, she was just overthinking.


Joey placed the two large pizzas on the counter as there was a knock on the door. Joey rushed to it, hoping it would be Naomi. His heart faltered as he saw Ross instead, but he quickly shook it off and smiled at Ross.

"Hey Joe. Is Rachel here yet?" Ross says, stepping inside the apartment and looking around excitedly. When he doesn't spot Rachel, his face falls, disappointed. Is that what Joey looked like whenever he looked for Naomi?

"Uh, no. Should be here soon though." Joey half heartedly smiled. He knew deep inside he was starting to develop a crush on Naomi, but he barely knew her. That's why he wanted to get to know her tonight.

Joey heard a knock on the door and quickly rushed to it, taking a deep breath as he opened the door. He smiled as he let Monica, Phoebe and Rachel in, and his smile widened as he saw Naomi. She looked around, smiling.

"Nice place." She smiled at Joey. Joey felt himself blush as he smiled at her, and quickly looked away. Joey Tribbiani blushing? That was a first.

Naomi sat down next to Rachel and Joey quickly sat down next to Naomi.

"So, Naomi..." Joey gave Naomi one of his famous crooked smiles. "What sort of things do you like to write about?"

Naomi and Joey talked nonstop for about a half hour before they got hungry and went to eat the pizza. The gang hung out for a while, goofing around and having a good time, before everyone got tired and decided to go home.

Naomi got up and started to the door, and Joey jumped up, rushing towards Naomi.

"I had a great night." Naomi smiled at Joey.

"Yeah, me too."

"Well, goodnight."


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