The One With Decisions

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I entered into the apartment and immediately was hit by two things. First, the smell of bacon and eggs. My stomach growled and I realized I hadn't eaten since yesterday's lunch. The second was the sound of loud arguing. I covered my ears with the palms of my hands and grabbed a piece of bacon off the plate as I walked past. In the middle of the living room was Monica and Rachel were bickering while Phoebe sat disinterested on the couch.

"Rachel, it's a ridiculous idea--"

"Mon, I think it's a beautiful present--"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..." I interrupted, standing between the two to separate them. "What is going on?!"

"Well, you know my brother Frank Jr.?" Phoebe finally spoke up from the sofa. I nodded my head in response and motioned for her to continue. "So, his older wife...well, his much older wife, Alice, cannot bare children, so they asked me to carry a baby for them."

"And that's when Phoebe told us, and I think it's a great idea," Rachel said with a sincere expression.

"And I think it's pretty ridiculous. He's your brother, Phoebs!" Monica exclaimed. I stared at everyone in the room with wide eyes and an open mouth in shock.

"Well..." I started to say but I could not think of anything else to say. "Well..." I continued to stutter, and shook my head. "Monica, can I see you for a minute?" Before Monica could say anything, I grabbed her by the elbow and lead her into her room.

"Whoa, what's going on?" Monica asked me with wide eyes, watching me pace the room.

"Did Joey do something?" She continued.

"Yeah, well, no, that's not what this is about."

"Then what?"

"Just...Okay, I don't know how to say this...Chandler may have," I started to say but didn't know how to finish. "He has some kind of...feelings for you?" I ended up saying, cringing a bit. I was only doing this because he wanted to.

"He what?" Monica asked, looking at me with a stunned expression. I bit my bottom lip, looking around uncomfortably. I shouldn't have brought it up.

"I'm sorry. I know it's not my place to say anything, but Chan asked me to..."

"Oh, no," Monica sighed, sinking to the bed and running her fingers through her hair. "This is a disaster?"

"Why?" I asked. bracing myself for when she would tell me she didn't feel the same for Chandler. It was almost like she was rejecting me. That's how close I felt to Chandler.

"I have feelings for him, too!" She exclaimed with a helpless look on her face. I gasped and my heart leapt for joy.

"That's great news!" I spat out, jumping up and down and cheering, but Mon just shook her head and muttered curse words to herself.

"No, it's not. What I have with Chad..."

"Wait, is that the guy you're going out with right now?"

"Yeah. He's a great guy. Really intelligent, charming, selfless...He's a firefighter, you know," Monica's eyes lit up as she spoke about him. Like he's her dream guy. My heart clenched for Chandler.

"What about Chan...?"

"Chandler..." Her expression softened and she looked like she was in a dream. "He's wonderful. Sweet, funny, charismatic..."

"Well, it looks like you have a big decision ahead of you." I informed Mon, and she looked at me with a scared shitless expression. Like she didn't want to choose at all.

"Mon, you have to choose..."

"No. No, no, no. Just don't tell Chandler yet. Please, for me. I'll go on a few more dates with Chad and see where it leads. Then I'll make a decision."

"I can't let you hurt my best friend like that..."

"Naomi, he's my best friend, too," Monica looked at me with round eyes and a puppy dog face I could not say no to. I sighed and nodded my head, and she gave me a relieved expression.

"So, where's Joey?" Monica asked me and I could tell she was eager to change the subject. It must be stressful having to choose between two guys, and I couldn't even maintain one.

"God knows where," I sighed helplessly, sinking next to her on the bed. "Chan said he went out with a few friends last night, so he's probably hung over in some other girl's bed."

"Don't think like that! Joey is totally committed to you. I have never seen him like this, Mi. He is totally in love with you. And when he loves someone, he never gives up on them or trades them in. Deep down, he's loyal."

"Sounds like you could write a whole biography about him," I said quietly, and she gave me a sorrowful look.

"Oh, Mi, I've known him forever. I know him so well. Not that you don't, but..." Monica started to say but I could tell she didn't know how to end the sentence so I waved my hand in dismissal.

"I know, Mon. I'm sorry, I'm just stressed," I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Have you tried to call him?" Monica rubbed my back in comfort as I bit my bottom lip.

"Not really, I didn't want to disturb him."

"Here," Monica handed me the telephone and gave me a knowing look. "Just call him. He'll explain."

I gave her a soft smile as she left the room and I dialed Joey's pager. After a few rings, he answered. (idk how phones worked back then lol)

"Hello?" Joey asked in a groggy voice and I instantly knew he had just woken up from a nap. Probably right after stuffing himself with food.

"Yeah, hey. It's Naomi..." I started to say but I didn't know how to continue.

"Oh, hey babe..." He spoke softly and I licked my bottom lip in anxiety. "What's up?"

"Well I was just wondering where you were..."

"Oh, yeah, sorry for not telling you. I guess I just needed time to cool down. But I'm sorry for everything. I went out with a few friends and then crashed at my mom's place. I'll be back by eight tonight."

"Oh," I said, fairly surprised with the quick response but also touched. I smiled and felt my heart skip in fondness of Joey. "Well, thanks. I miss you. Come home soon."

"I'll always come home to you."


i feel like i always end these chapters so weirdly lol but ive been writing this chap for forever so enjoy

Xoxo, Alli

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