The One With The Date

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hey babe 😍 ^

Naomi POV:

I looked out the window, watching the snow fall contently. Snow has always been my favorite, ever since I was a child. I'm glad I moved somewhere where it has cold and snowy weather.

"Naomi," Monica calls my name from the kitchen, and I'm pulled out of my daze. I stand up from my spot by the window, and make my way into the kitchen.

"Yes?" I ask, taking a seat on a chair by the table. I rake my fingers through my hair, knowing it probably looked terrible. I had just woken up from a nap, and it was now three in the afternoon.

"Are you excited for your date with Joey tonight?" Monica asks me, setting some food on the table for me. She had made me one of her sandwiches that I love.

"Yeah, he hasn't told me what we're doing yet though," I laugh softly, biting into my sandwich, and instantly moaning.

"I think you two are adorable," Monica smiles brightly. "When is he picking you up?"

"In about an hour," I say, looking at the clock. Shoot, I need to start getting ready.

After diminishing my sandwich, I rush into Rachel's room, where I've put all my outfits and things. I pull out a long sleeved black crop top, high wasted jeans, and my boats.

I then rush to the bathroom and brush through my hair before throwing it into a bun. I do my make up, and I look at my clock, seeing that I still have about ten minutes. I decide to watch the snow fall to pass the time.

Ten minutes later, there's a knock at the door. I rush to answer it, and Joey stands in the doorway. He smiles as he takes in my appearance, and I squirm under his intense stare.

"You look great," He says, smiling widely.

"You don't look so bad yourself," I joke. He gently takes my hand, lacing our fingers together.

"C'mon, I have a few surprises for you," Joey winks, and drags me behind him.

What have I gotten myself into?


We walk together, side by side, hand in hand, down the streets of New York. He told my that we were eating first, so I guess we're walking there.

He stops in front of a small building, and leads me inside. The warmth hits me, and I'm grateful for that. Almost immediately, I notice the comforting atmosphere. It felt quaint, cozy...Like a home.

"Ah, Joey Tribbiani!" An older aged man with an Italian accent walks up to us, and wraps his arms around Joey. Joey's face lights up happily as he hugs back the man.

"Hello, Mr. Mussolini," Joey keeps the big, genuine smile on his face, and then the man, Mr. Mussolini, notices me standing next to him.

"And who is this young lady?" Mr. Mussolini asks, humor in his voice and amusement in his voice. Joey faintly blushes, and he takes my small, fragile hand in his big, warm hand.

"This is my friend, Naomi." Joey smiles with pride. Heat creeps up my neck, and I know my cheeks are now covered with pink. Maybe I could pull it off as walking in the cold weather outside.

"She must be more than a friend, if she's bringing you here," Mr. Mussolini winks, and his first statement makes my blush, as well as Joey's, deepen. His second statement makes me look at Joey with confusion. Does he not bring people here often?

"Joey only brings his most special friends here." Mr. Mussolini explains, and an amused smile spreads across my face. I could have some fun with this information.

"Aw, Joey," I say in an over exaggerated voice. "I'm so honored." Just this small statement makes him bury his face in his hands, groaning in embarrassment.

"Can we have a table now?" Joey throws his arms out, his eyebrows raised, and his voice whining.

"Of course, my friend! I have reserved the best table for you!" He winks again, and I giggle as Joey hangs his head, embarrassed.

We're lead to a table that's private, in the back. Mr. Mussolini takes our drink orders right away. I had ordered just water, and Joey ordered some champagne for the both of us.

What has he got in mind?

"So, how do you know Mr. Mussolini?" I ask, trying to make conversation as our drinks arrive, and we ordered our food.

"He's an old family friend," Joey explains. "My parents used to take my siblings and me here once a week."

"How many siblings do you have?"

"I have seven sisters."

"Wow," I say, stunned. That's a lot of sisters.

"Do you have any siblings?" He asks me, digging into his food as it arrives.

"Yeah, an older brother and a younger sister." I smile faintly, and I realize that I miss them quite a bit. We haven't been this long apart ever.

The evening goes on with us joking around, and learning more about each other. Joey takes the check, paying for our food, and I thank him.

"Thanks so much for this, it was really fun," I tell him honestly, grabbing my coat as we stand up.

"Oh, we aren't done yet." Joey says mischievously. I raise an eyebrow, amused. He has more in mind? All right, bring it, Tribbiani.


Joey POV:

I have Naomi blind folded as we walk a block away, taking her to our next destination. I hope she likes my idea, I think it's romantic.

We arrive quickly, and I tell her to open her eyes. She opens, and gasps, her face lighting up instantly.

We are at an outdoor ice skating arena, and we are obviously going to ice skate. Naomi squeals, and throws her arms around my neck. I chuckle, wrapping my arms around her.

We get our rented skates on quickly, and slide onto the ice. We're both quite good, and it's easy for us to stay in pace with each other. We hold hands as we glide along, making conversation.

Soon, it gets dark and it's time to take her home. We take off our skates, returning them, and walk five minutes back to the apartments.

We walk up the stairs, to our doors. Naomi gets her keys out, and turns to me.

"I had a great time," She says, smiling widely. Her smile is so infectious, and I can't help but smile along.

"I always have a great time when I'm with you," I respond bluntly, taking a deep breath. I take a step closer to her, and she looks up at me with those big doe eyes. I cup my hand on her cheek gently, our chests pressing against each other.

She stands on her tip toes, and I crane my neck down, resting my lips only a centimeter away from her. Not being able to stand another second like that, I press my lips lightly against hers. Tingles spread through my entire body, and my heart feels as if it could explode.

Naomi finally pulls away from me, biting her lip and smiling, making me want to kiss her again.

"Goodnight, Joey." She says softly and lowly, and I have to restrain myself from reaching out and grabbing her as she shuts the door behind her.

That was the best kiss of my life.


it finally happened! i've had this idea in my mind for months!

sorry the updates are slow, im trying :)

comment and vote if you liked it!

Xoxo, Alli

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