The One With Saying Yes

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Leave The Night On by Same Hunt


Naomi's POV:

I sat on the couch, writing. I had finally had an idea of what I wanted to write about. I hadn't really had time to think about it or write anything down because of how busy I've been.

And by busy, I mean either hanging out with the girls, or thinking about Joey.

The door opens and shuts, and I turn to see it's Monica and Rachel. They're carrying in some groceries, so I set down my writing book to go help them.

"What's with all the stuff?" I ask playfully, grabbing a bag from Monica and set it on the table.

"Phoebe and the guys are coming over tonight. We're going to have dinner and watch a movie." Rachel explains excitedly, and my heart picks up at the thought of seeing Joey. I've only seen him a few times since the kiss, but we haven't had alone time.

I try not to seem phased as I start pulling the groceries out and placing them in their correct places. I run a hand through my hair, trying to calm my racing heart.

"Oh my gosh," Rachel says, her voice getting high. "You're anxious to see Joey!" Rachel giggles and Monica gives her a look. I snap my head to look at Rachel, raising an eyebrow.

"How do you know?" I ask, my voice getting squeaky as well.

"Because you ran a hand through your hair! You only do that when you're anxious or stressed!" Rachel points a finger at me, her tone sounded accused. Monica tries to hide her smile.

"Yeah, well you're just as anxious to see Ross!" I point my finger back. Rachel gasps dramatically and Monica's eyes widen.

"All right, you two. That's enough. Let's get ready for this." Monica says, standing in between us as we shoot daggers with our eyes.

We finally give in and help Monica prepare for tonight.


There's a knock on the door, and Rachel rushes to get it. It's about five o'clock, and we're all hungry and eager to eat.

Phoebe and Ross enter through the door, greeting us. I give them a small smile. I was a little disappointed that it wasn't Joey entering the room, but I was happy to see my friends.

Rachel looked like she was about to hop on Ross.

"So, what's for food?" I ask, trying to make conversation. Phoebe perks up in interest.

"Spaghetti." Monica smiles as she sets out the plates, and I help her with silverware and napkins.

"Joey will love that," Rachel smiles widely. "He loves Italian." She gives me a smug look, and I roll my eyes at her childlike behavior, but I also blush as I remember our first date.

Finally, there's a soft knock on the door, and Monica goes to open it. Chandler stands there with his hands in his pockets, and Joey is leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed.

I think I'm drooling.

Monica leads them inside, and the conversations start rolling. Joey walks over to me, his arm softly pressed against mine.

Now I think I'm on fire.

"Hey." He says softly, with his signature bad boy smile on. The signature smile that always makes me want to melt.

"Hi." I smile up at him, and we all start to take our seats.

We dig into the food, Joey stuffing his face as Chandler makes witty jokes. We talk about the news, Ross' career, Monica's cooking.

And then Monica asks me how my book is coming along.

"Oh, uh...It's coming." I give them a genuine smile. And that was the end of that conversation.

Once we finish eating, Rachel pulls me aside as they start to clean up.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't be getting into your personal romance." She gives me a small smile.

"It's okay, neither should I." I laugh softly, and she joins in. We talk for a little while before rejoining the group.

We decide to start the movie, and we all take our seats and Monica pops in the movie. It's some rom-com that Rachel picked.

I sit in the couch in between Joey and Chandler. Rachel, Phoebe and Ross sit on the floor, and Monica sits on the chair.

The lights were off and we were all quiet, other than spurts of laughter at funny moments in the movie. Joey wrapped an arm gently around me, and my heart raced in my chest.

I leaned in gently against his side, biting my lip to keep from exploding. His arm tightened around me and his thumb swirled around my collar bone.

"You look really good tonight." He whispered gently in my ear, his lips grazing my earlobe. I blushed deeply, grateful that the lights were off so he couldn't see me.

The movie ended, and everyone started arguing whether they thought it was a good movie or bad. It was pretty much girls versus boys.

"Can I grab you for a second?" Joey asks me in a low voice, and I nod my head. We both stand up, and he leads me outside, onto the balcony.

His fingers intertwine with mine, and I grip onto his hand. I chill slightly, the cool air hitting my skin. I looked up at the starless sky. I always liked darkness. There was something about it...It was mysterious.

"I have a question for you." Joey asks with a small smile on his face. I turn to him, raising an eyebrow. His hands rub up and down my arm, pulling me slightly closer to him.

"I haven't stopped thinking about the kiss," Joey starts, and my heart leaps in hope. "I can't sleep, I can't get rid of these butterflies in my stomach, I can't eat..."

We both laugh at his laugh statement.

"Okay, so maybe that was an over exaggeration." He smiles at me. I smile up at him, and our laughter slowly dies.

"Point is, you're basically the only thing I can think about..."

He sighs, running a hand through his hair. This must be hard for him. I know that he doesn't really have anything serious for girls. And if he's having these feelings for me...I must be something special.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Joey asks quickly, getting it out there. A smile illuminates my face, and I throw my arms around him. He stumbles back slightly, but holds us both up.


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