The One With Ryan

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"I wanna drink until I ache..." —Marina and the Diamonds


Pen ink scribbled on paper, marks turning into words, words turning into sentences, and sentences turning into paragraphs. I was on a roll, my hand not stopping to take a break at all. I ignored all the cramps in my hands, eager to get everything on page to document my feelings and new ideas. I was finally writing a new chapter, since for the past week that she got her diary back, I hadn't had any inspiration or motivation. And quite frankly, I have been pretty distracted by Joey.

Sometimes, however, it seems like Joey and I are distant. Me, with trying to focus on my writing and my other friends, and him, with his movie auditions and his constant having to shake off Janet, who was always breathing down his neck. He had tried to find someone else to go out with her, to take her mind off of Joey so he could focus on Naomi and leave this behind him. That wasn't the case, though, since no one was willing to take her out.

I was struggling to meet ends. I wasn't making any money with my writing currently, so I wasn't able to pay the part of her rent. I decided to take up on Rachel's offer to recommend me to work as a waitress at Central Perk. My training started just days ago and it had gone quite smoothly. I didn't really understand why Rachel made a big deal about it being hard work.

I wrapped my black apron around my waist, sporting a white long sleeved v-neck and some black, skinny jeans. I pulled my hair into a ponytail as I listened to Gunther tell me the basic things to know, like how to turn on the coffee pot (which I already knew how to do, and it surprised me how surprised he was at that information), and how to work the cash register.

My head snapped up when I heard the bell on the door ring, signaling a new costumer entering the shop. Gunther gave me a small nod with a reassuring smile, tapping my back with his fingers to push me toward the man who had just sat down, now mesmerized by the menu. I slowly and nervously made my way over to the man's spot, my face probably resembling a dear caught in the headlights.

I know it doesn't seem like a big deal, but it was for me. I never had a real job, because there was no real reason for me to get one. My parents supported me financially for anything I did, as long as I lived my life the way they wanted me to. That didn't include becoming a writer and adventuring to New York, but instead becoming a lawyer. Bleh. I couldn't stand the idea anymore and took the car, starting my way to New York without an idea how to uphold myself. My parents cut me off, and that was the end of that. So this—having a job—was a whole new concept to me.

"Hello," I spoke down to the man with a smile, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear and pulling out my notepad and pen. "What can I get for you?"

"I think I'll just go with decaf, and maybe a cinnamon roll," The stranger gave me a curt nod with a dashing smile, and a feeling of confidence rushed through my veins.

"All right, comin' right up!" I threw a quick smile over my shoulder before making my way back to the counter, much more assured of myself. My first customer was going great so far. I started the cup of coffee and grabbed a roll with a napkin gingerly, and then filled up the mug with the black liquid. I brought the items back to the man sitting by the window on a tray, carefully displaying them on the table in front of him.

"Thank you," He stared up at me with piercing blue eyes and sweeping dark hair, and I gave him a polite smile back.

"Do you think I could get your number?" The man spoke again, and I was taken aback.

"O-oh, I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend," I saw the man's smile drop a bit, but it peeked back up within seconds.

"I didn't want to necessarily date, just talk. Become friends," He shrugged indifferently, stirring his sugar into his coffee as I continued to stare down at him.

"Oh, friends, right," I gave him a tight smile, before grabbing a napkin and writing my name and number on it.

"Naomi," The man said slowly, testing my name out on his tongue and lips. "Very nice. I'm Ryan."

"Well, Ryan, it's nice to meet you. I should be getting back to work now," I relaxed a little, seeing that he wasn't trying to make a move on me. I did need more friends in the area. He held out his hand and I shook it, his rough hands enveloping mine.

First customer—success.


Chandler, Joey, and I sat on stools at the bar top, eating some pizza and drinking some beer—courtesy of Joey. I gulped down some beer, running a hand through my messy hair.

"So, how was your first day?" Chandler asked through a mouthful of food, and I scrunched my nose at the disgusting image, and looked to my right to see Joey unaffected. Of course.

"Hmm, pretty uneventful. I made a new friend," I shrugged and Joey and Chandler made noises of approval.

"What's her name?" Joey asked, his hand resting on my thigh as he shoved some pizza into his mouth. Men.

"Well, it's not really a girl. More...male," I took another small bite from my pizza, and I felt Joey's hand tighten on my thigh.


"What what?"

"I think I'm just gonna go to bed...big day tomorrow. Night Naomi," Chandler kissed the side of my head before disappearing into his room.

"You're telling me some guy gave you his number?"

"Not exactly, more like he asked me and I complied..."


"What?" I asked incredulously, a confused expression written all over my face.

"He was flirting with you!"

"Just because he's a guy doesn't mean he wants to go on a date with me."

"It pretty much does."

"So, you're saying I can't have guy friends? What about Chandler and Ross?"

"That's different. They're my friends."

"Whatever," I scoffed, grabbing my bag before making my way to the door, ignoring Joey's protests and slamming the door behind me.

Maybe my first day wasn't such a success.



what do you think about the fight?

who's side are you on?

Xoxo, Alli

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