The One With The Book

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I ran my hand through my hair with one hand, and with the other I scribbled writings into my book. I was almost half way done with my first rough draft of it, since I had been working on it every second that I was not sleeping or hanging out with my friends.

I was sitting in the chair at the coffee shop, my legs pulled underneath me. I readjusted my black sweater as I eagerly tried to get my ideas out. The gang would be here any minute, since we agreed on meeting up, and I wanted to get my ideas on paper before they came.

I jolted in my seat as I felt a soft kiss planted on the top of my head. Joey chuckled as he took his spot on the couch. I shook my head at his behavior, shoving my pencil in between the crease of the pages to use as a bookmark. I set it on the table, and Joey motioned for me to sit down next to him.

I reluctantly took a spot next to him, and he wrapped an arm around me to scoot me into his side. I leaned hi to him, setting the back of my head against his chest.

"Can't I get a sneak peak of the book?" Joey asked curiously, reaching his arm around me to try to snag the book off the table.

"No, no, no." I said jokingly, making a 'tsk'ing noise with my tongue. Joey pouted, leaning back against the couch.

"Not even your boyfriend?" Joey asked in a high pitched voice, giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Not even my /amazing/ boyfriend." I pointed at him, and his face lit up immediately, until he realized I was denying him his wishes.

"Oh, come on!" Joey threw his hands up, and I chuckled at his childish behavior. Just as Joey started throwing his tantrum, the rest of the group came in. They all took their seats, except for Rachel, who worked as a waitress.

Rachel took a few orders from us, and once she left, Ross got this bright look, frantically looking around and motioning for us to huddle.

"You guys," Ross started off excitedly, and we all raised our eyebrows at him in curiosity. "Rachel and I kissed last night!" He tried to keep his voice down, but it came out pretty loud. I flinched slightly, and before we could react any more, or as him any questions, we heard a cough come from behind us.

"Whatcha guys talkin' about?" Rachel asked with an amused smile on her face as she set the tray down in front of us. All the guys tensed, but the girls just snickered slightly, knowing that Rachel knew what we were talking about and was only trying to rile the men up.

"Nothin'." They all said, trying to act casual but looking super guilty. Phoebe and I shared a look, trying hard to contain our laughter.

Rachel blew a kiss to Ross before sauntering off to her job. The boys looked at each other with the fire in their eyes that only guys can get from a flirtatious girl. Joey let out a low cat call, and I smacked him on the back of his head.

"Sorry, babe." Joey apologized, looking somewhat like a dog that had peed on the carpet. My troubled look turned to amused, and I kissed him on the cheek.

Monica and Phoebe 'awed' at the same time that Chandler said 'ew', while Ross just looked longingly at Rachel. Since I was sitting next to Chandler, I leaned in to him, whispering, "Don't act like you don't like someone here."

I winked at him as he blushed, and the went back to leaning against Joey. Thankfully, no one had heard my sneaky comment.

Chandler, Monica, and Ross had to head back and finish some work, and Rachel was still working, so Phoebe, Joey and I decided to take a walk. The season was at the brink of spring, and the warm sun shined down on us. Although, the cold wind nipped at our skin.

Joey wrapped a strong arm around me, in attempt to keep me warm. Phoebe walked next to me, smirking slightly as she observed us.

"Do you want to stop studying us? It's kind of creepy." I said, feeling scrutinized under her gaze. My eyes squinted slightly against the sun, and Joey gently brushed a strand of hair away from my face.

"It's just weird, you know? I mean, Joey has never acted this way." Phoebe relied excitedly, flailing her arms slightly.

"Wow, Phoebs. You sure know how to make a guy look good in front of his girlfriend." Joey joked, and I bit my lip, laughing softly.

Phoebe and Joey continued to bicker, and my mind went off, thinking to myself. I thought of more ideas for my book, and suddenly, I stopped in my tracks.

Joey stumbled slightly at my abrupt halt, and Phoebe stopped chatting when she realized we were no longer walking.

"What's wrong?" Joey asked, slightly concerned as he bent down to look at me better.

"I left my book at the coffee shop." I said, starting to panic. My breathing became heavier as I looked around frantically. Joey grabbed my shoulders, forcing me to look at him.

"Don't panic, Naomi. We'll just go back to the coffee shop and get the book. Everything will be all right." Joey told me in a calming voice and him and Phoebe shared a look.

They directed me back to the coffee shop, leading me back to my book. Thankfully, it was only ten minutes away. But even still, I felt stunned and as if I was on the edge of a panic attack.

My heart pounded against my chest as Phoebe and Joey guided me inside and we made our way to the table.

I groaned in frustration, and my breathing heaved as my eye sight started to get fuzzy.

The book wasn't there.

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