The One With The Thanksgiving Special

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ive decided that selena gomez will be the face character for naomi. :)

this chapter will outline the plot of the Thanksgiving episode, but will have my own twist to it. ;)



Naomi POV

I sat at the table, eating my breakfast in my pajama shorts and my dad's old sweatshirt. My hair was an absolute mess, and I know I looked terrible. It didn't help that that was the first thing Phoebe pointed out when she walked into the apartment.

But no matter how bad I looked, I couldn't help how great I felt. I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face, or the way I daydreamed every few minutes. Joey made me feel this way, like I was the only girl he wanted to pay attention to. And I liked it.

Rachel must have noticed it though, because she asked me, "Naomi, what's up with the weird smile?"

"Yeah, you've been acting weird ever since last night..." Monica contributed to the conversation. Rachel and Monica shared a look, their eyes watering.

"Did you and Joey...?" Rachel asked, and the three girls took a seat beside me on the table. digging for some gossip. I blushed at their inquisition, even though nothing had happened between Joey and me.

"No, I wish, though." I admitted, and covered my mouth immediately, shocked that I had said that. The girls gasped, and then erupted into squeals.

"Oh, my gosh! You guys totally have the hots for each other!" Rachel shouted, jumping up and doing a victory dance. I giggled at the sight, since it was such a dorky dance.

Monica also jumped up, and pumped her hands in the air. "Chandler owes me ten bucks!"

"You guys bet on me?" I asked in astonishment. I've never been bet on before. Not that I don't mind, I just didn't think Joey and I getting together was so big as to be bet upon.

"Uh, yeah!" Monica laughed, and then Phoebe and Rachel gave each other high fives.

"Okay, well, I have to get ready before the boys come over for Thanksgiving." I said, and then got up, dumping the remains of my coffee in the sink. Rachel gave me a gentle side hug, and then let me run to the shower.

I had some cleaning up to do.


Joey POV

"C'mon, Chandler. You haven't done anything fun since Janice broke up with you." I complained. I was trying to convince Chandler into playing some football, but it wasn't going so well.

"Janice broke up with you?" Naomi asked, and I could hear that hint of sadness and pity in her voice. I looked over her for what seemed like the tenth time today. She looked amazing, as always.

"Yeah," Chandler said sadly, and looked down. He hated talking about it, I knew that. But he couldn't just bottle up his feelings. It wasn't healthy.

"Maybe some football would be good for you, Chan." Naomi suggested, and I internally thanked her for backing me up.

"All right, fine." Chandler said, throwing his hands up in surrender. He was so dramatic.

"Oh, I wanna play, too!" Phoebe said, and soon everyone was joining along, saying they wanted to play.

"Um," Ross said, getting everyone's attention. "Mon and I can't play."

We asked them why, and they explained how when they were younger, they played for this thing called the Geller Cup. But they got too competitive, and Monica ended up breaking Ross' nose.

We somehow convinced them to play, and they agreed. Sometimes, they're so competitive that I think they could kill each other.

So that's how we ended up in the park, with Monica and Ross picking teams. Monica picked me, and Phoebe, and Ross picked Rachel, Chandler, and Naomi. I was kind of disappointed she wasn't on my team, but it would be fun, anyways.

Naomi ended up being really good, and the teams were tied by halftime. Monica complained that we were tied because we had fewer players than the other team, but Ross fought back with the fact that Rachel sucked, and didn't even do anything.

"I bet I could still win if I traded Joey for Rachel." Monica said in a whiny voice, and Ross scoffed, agreeing. Rachel whined, but I was more than happy to trade. I got to be on the good team, with Naomi.

Rachel ended up scoring the winning touchdown, and Ross argued that it wasn't a complete pass. The argument went on and on, all the way up to the apartment.

Monica decided to ignore Ross' bantering all together, and worked on setting things out for dinner. Naomi volunteered to help, and I just couldn't say no when she asked if I wanted to pitch in.

"You look beautiful tonight, by the way." I whispered huskily in Naomi's ear, and I saw her blush out of the corner of my eye. I smiled, satisfied that I had that affect on her.

I had decided that by the end of tonight, I would ask her on a date. She wasn't like most girls that I would just get in bed with me, and have a one night stand. She was special, and I would treat her that way.

When dinner was ready, we all sat down at the table. I took a seat beside Naomi, and Chandler was on my other side. We passed around the food noisily, and then immediately dug in.

After a half hour of eating, everyone was stuffed, and we decided to watch a movie. I quickly pulled Naomi aside, asking if she would meet me on the balcony. She agreed, and we grabbed our coats, telling everyone we'd be back in shortly. Chandler and I exchanged glances, and he nodded at me.

Once we were outside, I started wringing my hands together, nervously. I paced back and forth, not knowing how to start. Naomi stood there, watching me with patient wide eyes. Eventually, she gently set her hand on top of mine.

"You're scaring me, Joey." She said softly, and shivers ran up my spine when she said my name. I nodded, and took a deep breath.

"Naomi, you're unlike any girl I have ever met. I really don't know what it is about you, but you make me want to be with you all the time. Maybe it's the fact that you never ask for me to be with you, I'm not sure," I took a breath, and then took her small, cold hands in mine, and looked her directly in the eyes.

"Will you go on a date with me?" I asked slowly, and her eyes immediately brightened. She smiled, and nodded, and I wrapped my strong arms around her fragile body.

She said yes.


I'm so excited! They're finally together!

I hope this lived up to your expectations.

Sorry this wasn't exactly the same as the episode, but I wanted it to be sort of my own, if you know what I mean.

I hope you liked it!

Remember to comment and vote!

Xoxo, Alli

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