The One With The Jealousy

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I sipped on my drink, watching Joey approach Janice from afar. After we couldn't get the journal back using Chandler's methods, Joey decided he was going in. 

"Here's the game plan," Joey whispered, motioning for his to move in closer so we could hear. We probably looked like idiots, our heads almost touching, crouched over and in a circled formation.

"I'll go up to Janice and use the ol' 'how you doin'?' method. That'll distract her, too busy concentrating on my good looks and charm, which will give me the chance to smooth talk her into giving me the journal."

"That's your plan?" Chandler asked dumbfoundedly. "You're going to flirt with her?"

I couldn't help but agree with Chandler. It might be jealousy, but I didn't think it would work.

"Jealous, lover boy?" Joey joked, causing Chandler to stick his tongue back out.

"No, it just seems super unlikely that this will work," Chandler replied, and Phoebe and I nodded our heads in agreement.

"Plus, don't you already have a girlfriend?" Phoebe points out and I give a look of approval to her. "Good point," I agreed with her.

"C'mon, babe. I'm only doing this for you. I wouldn't do this without your knowing," Joey insisted, cracking my shell. I let out an exaggerated sigh, shrugging my shoulders.

"We don't have a better plan," I gave in. Phoebe and Chandler muttered words of approval, giving me a sad smile.

"Okay, I'll be right back," Joey promised, quickly placing a kiss on the top of my head. I sat back in my chair, and ordered a strong drink.

So now here I was, watching Joey flirt it up with another female.

"So, what happened to your blackmail method?" I asked Chandler, taking a gulp of my drink. I winced at the strong taste, but swallowed it.

"Didn't work. She didn't seem to care," Chandler told me and Phoebe, and we both rolled our eyes. Men and their ego, always thinking what they had on woman was enough.

"Are you worried?" Phoebe asked me curiously, and I tilted my head to the side.

"Should I be?" I countered, taking another swig from my drink. Chandler motioned me to hand it over, and I complied. He also took a long drink before giving it back.

"I don't think so," Phoebe told me, and Chandler nodded his head in agreement. "Joey basically hates Janice. He's only doing this for you."

"What about Janice? What does she think of him?" I asked while keeping my eyes trained on Joey and Janice. Janice laughed loudly at something Joey said, and she placed her hand on his chest, causing jealousy to rush through my veins.

"Well, that's a different story," Chandler started to say. "She's pretty cozy with him."

I grumbled in response, tearing my eyes away to look back at my two friends. I was so grateful for them, they were always by my side.

"What about you, Chan? You jealous?" I inquired, making Chandler scrunch his nose.

"She's an ex of mine, there were feelings, but I got over them," He replied. "Plus, you know I like Mon," He told me in a lowered voice. Thankfully, Phoebe didn't hear. Love the girl, but she had a big mouth.

I nodded my head, understanding him. Now, all there was left to do was wait.


Ten minutes passed and Joey was still out there flirting with Janice. I couldn't help but continue to look back at them every chance I got.

"Hey, breathe," Chandler reminded me, setting a hand on my shoulder. I nodded, taking a deep breath.

Not only was I jealous about Joey having to get all cozy with a girl who potentially has a crush on my boyfriend, but I was also really stressing over getting my journal back.

I was about to go up to Janice and just rip the journal away from her--that's how desperate I was--until Joey turned away from Janice and started his way back to our group.

"So? What's the verdict?" Chandler was the first to speak our minds. I gave him a grateful look before turning back to Joey, hope written all over my face.

"The journal's back at her house..." Joey ran a hand across his face, looking at me with an apologetic expression.

"Okay, so just have her go get it," I prodded at him, my eyes wide as I looked at him.

"Babe, she isn't letting me off that easy," Joey stood right in front of me, his hand reaching out to softly caress my cheek.

"Well, what did she say?" Phoebe asked, keeping me on track so that I didn't get distracted by the touch of his warm, rough hands.

"She wants me to go back with her to her house," Joey winced when hurt flashed in my eyes. Maybe I was just overreacting, but I didn't take too kindly to the idea of my boyfriend going inside the house of this crazy woman, or so that's how Chandler described her to me. "Then she'll give me back the journal."

"Before or after you guys have sex?" I harshly questioned Joey.


"No, whatever," I closed my eyes briefly, getting up from my seat. I quickly weaved through the crowd of people, heading for the exit. Once the cool air hit my skin, I relaxed. I stood for a moment before finding the cab car we took, making my way towards it.

I heard my name being called, but I was too engrossed in my thoughts to give them any attention. I felt a hand on my arm, making me whip my head around to see who it was.


"Listen to me, baby," Joey started to say, and I looked away so he couldn't see the uncertainty in my eyes. "I'm only doing this for you."

"Are you? Are you really?" My voice came out scratchy and low, and Joey's eyes softened.

"Of course, why else would I be doing this?" He looked at me intently.

"I don't know, she seems to like you."


"So, why do you think she's inviting you to her house?" I questioned Joey, and understanding finally took over his expression.

"Hey, I wouldn't do anything with her," Joey informed me, and I turned my head to look at him.


"Really. You're my girlfriend, and I won't go if you don't want me to," He held my head in his hands, softly brushing his thumbs over my cheeks. He lowered his head, planting a soft kiss on my lips.

"Okay," I mumbled against his lips. "You can go."


this was such an uneventful chapter, but sometimes you need one of those, y'know?

what did you think?

Xoxo, Alli

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