The One With Trust

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"I was running around always looking down and all I see..." Use Somebody, King of Leon


"He said that to you?" Ryan exclaimed in a confused voice, his mouth agape and eyes wide open in shock. He gripped a cup of coke in his hand and his food of noodles sat in front of him.

"Yes," I sighed regrettably, looking down at my plate of lasagna. After my fight with Joey, I called up Ryan, a blubbering mess. He told me to calm down and meet him at a restaurant nearby. Ironically, we were eating Italian while discussing Joey. I went on about how he never listened or trusted me.

"Have you given him a reason not to?" Ryan asked and then shoved a spoonful of noodles into his mouth. Boys. I went over his question in my head, digging for any explanation of why he wouldn't trust my judgement.

"I'm not sure, but you know, after thinking about it, I kind of understand," I looked down shamefully, and Ryan prompted for me to explain. I told him about the whole Janice situation and how I wasn't sure if I trusted him when he was with Janice.

"It seems to me this isn't really about trust," Ryan concluded, looking me in the eyes concernedly. "It's about jealousy, and not wanting to share each other. You're relationship is still new and early, and it's only natural to have these feelings. But to make it work, you have to face the facts that it's not always going to be that easy, and just believe in one another."

"Whoa," I looked at him, stunned, and then took another bite of my lasagna. "Since when did you become such a relationship expert?"

"I've had my fair share of the ladies," He smirked, and I squealed and laughed, motioning him to explain. "Well, I've been in a handful of relationships. Some ended simply because we drifted apart, but there was one girl..."

Ryan's facial expression morphed into a dreamy one, as if he was reminiscing a close memory. "Kathy...we had been friends for life. We finally got together after college, but then..." he bit his to lip and shook his head, the dreamy expression breaking into despair.

"We were engaged, and she cheated on me."

I hissed softly, reaching my hand out to set it on his arm and comfort him. He didn't seem like a player, but then again, I wouldn't really blame him after that incident. He seemed more understanding and down to earth.

"Look, I'm just saying don't screw it up," His expression turned soft and normal again as he leaned back in his chair, finished with his food. As I finished up mine, we asked each other silly questions. About family, favorite colors, sports, etc. Soon, I finished, and it was just turning dark.

"Well, I think it's time for you to go find your Prince Charming," Ryan smirked at me, and I chuckled as the bill came. He claimed to pay for it, and I tried to refuse, but he was too persistent.

After we parted ways, I made my way back to the apartment building. Time to trust.


The door to Joey and Chandler's apartment opened, revealing a disheveled Chandler. His chestnut hair was messy, bags under his eyes, and he was in a shirt and sweatpants.

"Chandler," I gasped, concern written all over my face. "What happened?" I asked, referring to his presentation of himself.

"Monica came back from her date last night. Apparently, it went well," he said in an annoyed tone, letting me come in before popping onto his couch. I sat down gingerly next to him, biting my bottom lip.

"And..." he started to say, but stopped.


"You've been hanging out with that Ryan guy an awful lot..." He ran a hand through his tangled hair, and my face softened even more, feeling quite guilty. "You haven't been around."

"I'm sorry, Chan. But I'm here now," I said, disregarding my plans to make up with Joey. We turned on the television to some cartoon show that he immediately got absorbed into. Apparently he didn't want to talk about what happened last night. Which was fine with me. But I had one more thing to input before I dropped the conversation.

"Do you want me to talk to Monica?" I asked, rubbing his back gently. He turned and looked at me with hopeful, pleading eyes.

"Would you really?"  He now turned his whole body towards me, holding my hand in his own. He reminded me of a child on Christmas Eve.

"Of course," I told him with a smile, and he threw an arm around me before turning back to the television.

"So, why'd you come over?" Chandler asked suddenly, startling me slightly. Once I settled, I rubbed my palms against my black jeans, not wanting to make eye contact because of the guilt I felt.

"I was actually coming to see Joey...we kind of got into a fight, and I wanted to make up with him," I lifted my head cautiously to glance at Chandler through hooded eyelids, but he looked at me completely understanding.

"Sorry to break it to you, Naomi, but he isn't here. I think he went out with some friends for the night," Chandler set a hand on my arm, and I sighed. I was kind of curious, though because what other friends did he have?

Oh, well. I'd find out sooner or later.

"That's okay. I'd rather hang out with my best friend, tonight," I smiled softly at him and cuddled into his side, resting my head on his shoulder as we watched Tom and Jerry.

I already knew what I was doing tomorrow—find Joey and convince Monica to consider Chandler.

I had my work cut out for me.


I'm really enjoying my character Ryan

I also rly love Chandler and Naomi's friendship

I need to get Monica and Chandler's relationship going lol #mondler all the way yo

Xoxo, Alli

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