The One with Joey's Parents

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Joey and I sat on the couch, our fingers interlaced as we semi paid attention to the football game. Thanksgiving was only a week away and that means Joey and I have been going out for almost a year. The twenty seventh marks the date, to be precise. And I had a perfect present in mind for him.

Monica was frantically searching through the kitchen, probably to find a spice or an ingredient. She was trying out a new recipe for Thanksgiving and Joey and I were the taste testers.

The wedding in England had not gone as planned. In fact, it was bizarre. I found that Phoebe wasn't able to attend since she was so close to giving birth to her brother's baby's. God, that was fun to say. But it surprised me. I didn't even realize how close she was. Being away for over a month can really screw with sense of time.

Rachel showed up at the wedding. She didn't plan to. I wasn't really involved between her and Ross' relationship; all I knew is that they had a strong relationship, but it ended just as strongly. They were both so stubborn. Anyways, Ross ended up saying Rachel's name instead of the bride's. Super awkward. I'm not really following on the rest of the situation. I'm more focused on Joey and my relationship.

Speaking of relationships, the two lovebirds finally got together. Chandler and Monica. Apparently they hooked up during the wedding. I don't think that's exactly how chandler wanted it to go, but he seemed happy. He only told me and Joey. They're keeping it on the down low.

So tonight we're having a double date. It felt weird, like everything was in place. That kind of scared me. I had never felt so stable and secure in my life. I was on edge, waiting for something to happen and throw the whole thing off.

"Do you need help, Mon?" I asked from the couch, turning my head over my shoulder so I could glance at her. There was flour on her cheek and cranberry sauce on her pants.

"That would actually be so helpful!" Monica replied with a grateful smile. Joey grunted, grabbing my thigh trying to pin me down to the couch. I pouted and Joey released me, allowing me to enter the kitchen.

We worked on the food for a solid hour before everything was ready. The placemats were set and everything was in order on the table. We had a few candles lit and Monica turned some nice music on in the background.

The four of us sat down at the table, graciously eating the food. "This is great, Mon. Your dinner is going to be amazing."

"Yeah," Monica smiled thankfully at us. "Thanks. Joe, do you know if your parents are coming?"

Joey turned tense and I looked at him expectantly.

"Um, not sure."

"Well, let me know so I can prepare for an extra two people."

"Okay, I'll make sure to ask," Joey gave a fake smile that I could sense from a mile away.

Something was up.


Later that night, Joey and I sat side by side in his bed. Chandler was conveniently staying over at Monica's place. That left us the apartment to ourselves.

I sat with my back rested against the headboard, reading a recent book.

"I can't believe my girlfriend is so smart," Joey smiled cheekily at me, giggling a bit. It made me laugh. "I've never really dated a smart girl. They're all so...not smart."

"Well, thanks?" Was that a compliment? "Oh, by the way, I've been meaning to ask," I set my book to the side, focusing my attention on Joey. "What was up earlier? When Monica asked if your parents would be visiting? You got all clammy."

"Oh..." Joey looked away. "Well, my parents don't really like my girlfriends. They never think they're good enough for me. Which I don't believe." Joey kissed my cheek.

"Well, invite them over! I'll prove them wrong," I flashed him a confident smile.

"Alright, baby," Joey looked proud, rubbing my thigh. Now all I had to do was figure out how to impress the parents.


Thanksgiving was one of the most stressful holidays. Only for the chefs. Which was only Monica and me. Everyone else sat in front of the television watching the football game. But I did enjoy this time with Monica. It was good to get along with my best friend's girlfriend.

We were still waiting for Joey's parents to arrive. Just as we were setting the plates, there was a knock on the door.

"I got it!" Joey rushed to the door, opening it. "Ma! Pa!" They embraced in a group hug. Words of Italian were thrown out.

"Guys, this is my girlfriend, Naomi," Joey introduced us.

"Nice to meet you," I shook both their hands. I could immediately feel the judgement.

They ignored me before dinner. I tried to make conversation but they just diverted to talking to Joey. At dinner, they avoided all contact with me. Joey didn't seem to notice.

"Um, Joey, can I see you in the other room?" I asked softly.

Joey looked up from his food, looking distressed. He sighed and put his fork down, hating to leave his food.

"Your parents hate me," I said once we were in the other room.

"Really? I hadn't noticed. They haven't said a word to me."

"Exactly. That's their way of being nice!"

"What kind of tactic is that?" I asked, confused.

"Well. They aren't really fluent in English..." Joey shrugged.

Hm, Joey had never told me that before. I wonder what that was like, having immigrant parents whose first language is not English. Was it hard for Joey?

"Yeah. They're probably more uncomfortable than you..." Joey played with the hem of his sweater, biting his lip as he looked past me out the door towards his parents.

So, the rest of the night went smoothly. I sent soft smiles to the parents and tried to make them feel comfortable. I still was unsure if they really liked me or not, but I would continue to try if that would make Joey happy.

It was a great Thanksgiving.


I don't know anything about joeys parents so don't judge lol

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