The One With The Weirdness

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Sorry for my absence. I'm alive.


I fled from the couch, practically pouncing onto Joey. My heart leapt for joy as I clung to him, burying my face in the crook of his neck. I heard Chandler from the living room mutter something that sounded like, "Well, maybe he is going to get laid."

I shot Chandler a look before letting myself down from Joey, and he gently helped me down. "How in the world did you get that?" I asked incredulously. I just really hoped it didn't come to him having sex with Janice.

"I didn't have sex," Joey clarified, throwing his hands up. I let out a sigh and laugh of relief, and Chandler just made another snarky comment, "There's a shocker."

"So how'd you get it back?" I asked curiously, sitting back down on the couch next to Chandler, and Joey plopped down on the spot next to me.

"I just sweet talked her," Joey shrugged with an innocent look on his face. I saw out of the corner of my eye, Chandler visibly shrink. I could tell that even though it's been a while since they broke up, Chandler is still very affected by hearing about Janice.

"Hmm, okay," I said simply, fully believing him, but having a few follow up questions. "Did she want anything in return?"

"Well..." Joey started to say, and mine and Chandler's heads snapped to look at him.

"Joey!" We exclaimed, waiting for him to tell us what she wanted. Why didn't he tell us this in the first place? And if I never asked, would he have told us?

"Well, she wanted to go on a date with me," Joey informed us, and just as Chandler and I were going to cut in, he held up his hand to stop us. "Wait, a second. I declined. But, I told her I could get someone to go on a date with her." Joey smirked, and both our heads and attention turned to Chandler.

"Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no. /No!/" Chandler rose from his seat on the couch, his eyes wide and face pale. "No way. Naomi, I love you, but..."

Chandler looked and me with pleading eyes, and I suddenly realized just why he couldn't take up the proposition. Monica. If he started going on dates, or even one date with Janet, Mon might get the wrong idea, and it would screw everything up between them.

I was not going to let that happen.

"Joey," I turned my head to look at him, gripping his bicep softly with my hand. "Isn't there /anyone/ else who would be willing to go on a date with Janice, other than you and Chandler." I pulled off my best puppy dog face, and for extra effect, puffed out my breasts a little. Just for extra measure.

"Um," Joey coughed and gulped, and I could see Chandler smirking proudly at me. "P-perhaps. I would have to ask around but--"

"Oh, thank you!" I threw my arms around Joey's back, pressing a soft kiss to his neck to show my appreciation. Chandler mouthed a 'thank you' and I gave him a wink. I didn't want to be the reason that Chan and Mon wouldn't work out.

"Well, I think I'm going to hit the hay," Chandler yawned and stretched, and Joey and I finally parted. I got up, giving Chandler a quick hug, and Joey just gave him a nod and a smile.

As soon as Chandler's door shut to his room, Joey turned to me with excited eyes. "So, why couldn't Chandler go on a date with Janice?" He was smiling eagerly, ready for the gossip.

"He just doesn't like her..." I started to say, but I could tell Joey wasn't going to buy it. "Okay, fine. But you can't tell /anybody/." I warned him with a wary look.

"I pinky promise," Joey took my pinky with his, and we shook.

"Okay, Chandler has feelings for another girl..." Joey scooted closer to me, gripping my thigh gently which made my heart skip a beat. I cleared my throat before continuing. "And it's, um, Monica."

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