The One With Joey

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Joey's POV (hehehe)

I stumbled into the familiar apartment being exceptionally hung over. It should be illegal how much I had to drink. I know I told Mi (ain't that the cutest nickname for Naomi) that I felt fine and hadn't had much to drink and hadn't really made any stupid decisions.

Well, that was a lie.

Really, I got hammered with a bunch of old friends and was up until sunrise and then someone, I don't know who,sent me to my ma's in a cab and I crashed there the rest of the day. I'm so glad they did, because who knows what stupid decisions I would've made while unstable? Especially after that disagreement, or fight some might say, Naomi and I had. It as a big deal...Our first big fight. And I wasn't fond of how it made me feel.

I was used to not feeling emotionally attached to a girl and not caring about fighting. Now everything's different.I think I'm in love. And that is not a feeling I'm familiar with.

Once I reach my door, I lean against the frame and clench the doorknob, throwing the door open aggressively. The door bangs against the wall and I grimace from the pain the loud sound caused my head. It felt like it was going to explode.

"Hey, Joe!" Chandler exclaimed from the sofa, a newspaper in his hand and in sweats. What had gotten into him? Again I flinched at the harsh pounding against my skull.

"Ah, hey Chan," I half heartedly smile, leaning my way into my room. I just wanted sleep and some greasy pizza. Ah, food.

"Where ya been?" Chandler stood up from his spot on the couch and started approaching me. I suppressed a groan, knowing this would be a longer conversation than I anticipated. "Naomi's been lookin' for ya." He looked at me with soft eyes, and usually I'd feel sympathetic from his expression, but right now my brain was fighting for bed.

"Yeah, I talked to her earlier. We're okay," I ran a hand roughly through my hair, trying not to look agitated. Chandler's mouth shaped into an 'o' and then a smile and nodded. "All right, I'll leave you be. If you need me I'm here, buddy."

"Thanks, pal," I nodded at him and when he did the same, I stepped in and gently shut the door behind me, plopping down on my soft, welcoming mattress. Once I felt better I would find Mi. Right now, I needed relief.

So I instantly fell asleep.


When I woke up I was instantly filled with guilt and regret. My hangover had subsided after a few pieces of pizza and a good nap that lasted until three in the morning.

Even though it wasn't even light outside, I knew I was still going to need to talk to Naomi. I tossled out of bed and pulled on a sweatshirt along with some shorts. I ran a hand hastily through my dark hair and jetted out of the door to across the hallway, knocking on it was aggression and anxiety.

The door opened to reveal a very sleep and very annoyed Rachel, and her eyes immediately narrowed at me. "What the hell are you doing here?" Rachel nearly shouted at me.

"I know it's late, Rach, I'm sorry..."

"That's not what I mean," Rachel cut me off by sticking up a hand. "I mean, what are you doing here? Regardless of the damn time."

"Um," I coughed, looking away. "I'm here to talk to Naomi...I need to see her in person."

"Oh, Joe...Didn't you know?" Rachel asked with a sympathetic look, biting her bottom lip.

"No, what?" I asked with suspicion, swallowing harshly.

"Naomi's gone."

"What do you mean she's gone...Where is she?"

"She left last night...Said something about needing a break? She headed to back to hometown."

"What?! Why?"

"When you came home yesterday...Chandler told us you looked unstable...It scared her..." Rachel explained as rage built up inside me. "Please don't be angry at Chan, he was trying to protect Naomi."

"Naomi is my responsibility!" I pounded against the wall, teeth grit and eyes wide.

"She's all our responsibility, Joe. And right now, she's frightened, and we want to keep her safe. She'll only be gone for a few nights," Rachel explained as if that would make me feel better. I rolled my eyes and turned around to my apartment.

"Now what are you doing?" Rachel asked from across the hallway as I shoved things in my bag.

"I'm going to find Naomi."


I searched for days until I was out of money and had little to nothing of a clue of where I was.

I rode the bus, hitch hiked, and walked to find anyone in her hometown that would know where Naomi would be.

But not a trace.

After a week of being gone, Ross called me.

"Hey, bro. How's it going out there?"

"Um, not too good, Ross," I shoved my hand in my pocket as I approached a motel. "What's up?"

"You need to come home, Joe."

"Why?" I asked aggressively as I slid my key into keyhole of my room.

"I'm getting Emily."

"Oh, congrats, dude," Even though it dampened my already down mood, I tried to stay upbeat for him.

"We're getting married in London in a week," Ross explained and I sighed, knowing what he was trying to say.

"Okay, Ross," I nodded my head, looking down. "I'll be your best man,"

"No," Ross sighed," That's not what I'm trying to tell you..."

"Don't worry, Ross. I'll be home in a day or two to be your best man for the wedding,"

With that, I hung up and repacked, ready to head home.

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