The One With Chandler

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sorry i haven't written for a while, i have like 4 other books im writing, plus i haven't had much motivation.
and whenever i have motivation, i can't write because im busy. :/
but im making myself write, because it's long overdue.



the more people read all my books, the more ill be motivated to write all of my books.

that's all, enjoy reading. ♥️


Naomi POV:

As soon as I walked through the door, Rachel and Monica rushed over to me. They bombarded me with questions, and I got so overwhelmed by all the sudden attention.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," I said loud enough so that they could hear me over their frantic questions. "One at a time."

"Me first!" Rachel called, and grabbed my arm, dragging me to the couch. She plopped us down, and Monica followed us, sitting on the chair next to us.

"Okay, first, how was it?" Rachel asked, with an expectant look on her face. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face, thinking over the day.

"Amazing," I sighed dreamily. "We went out to eat at this small Italian restaurant, and then he took me ice skating."

"Aw, that's so romantic," Monica clapped her hands together. I laughed, and shrugged my shoulders, although I knew it was very thoughtful and romantic.

"Okay, then what?" Rachel pressed, folding her legs beneath her and scooting closer to me. Monica put her cheeks in the palms of her hands, her eyes looking at me expectantly.

"We..kissed," I said softly, gently placing my fingers on my lips, still slightly feeling the tingling. Monica went 'aw', and Rachel squealed, jumping up and down. I giggled uncontrollably as I watched them. They seemed more excited than I did.

"He kissed you, and didn't bring you to his?" Monica asked, trying to get the story right. I nodded hesitantly. Is it bad that he didn't bring me to his? Immediately after I nodded, Monica started squealing harder.

"He must really like you, Naomi," Rachel said, smiling widely as she placed a hand on my knee.

"Yeah, he only kisses girls at the end of the date, with no intention of bringing the, home, if he really likes them!" Monica said happily, grinning at me. I couldn't help the squeal that came out of my mouth. I quickly covered it with my hand, and laughed.

These girls' excitement was contagious.


I sat down on the couch, writing everything that had happened down yesterday in my journal. I wanted to remember it forever.

I was on the last sentence when there was a knock on my door. I set my book down, slowly getting up and walking to the door. I opened it, and saw Chandler standing there, with his hands in his pockets and his head down.

Upon hearing the door being answered, Chandler looked up at me, and smiled instantly. I returned the smile, and raised my eyebrows.

"Chandler, what's up?" I asked, opening the door wider to give him room to come in.

"I was just looking for Mon...We were going to hang," Chandler said simply, but I could see past the nonchalant demeanor. There was hope in his eyes as he searched for Monica.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Chan. She's actually out on a date..." I gave him a sympathetic look, and his face fell for a moment, before he recovered.

"Oh, that's all right. I was just looking forward to it since we haven't hung out in a while," Chandler shrugged, and started to make his move to leave.

"Hey, um, do you want to stay for a while? We've never talked, just you and me." I smiled softly at him, while pulling two beers out of the fridge.

"Oh, sure," Chandler seemed a little bit more happy, now that he would have company. I handed him his beer bottle and the opener, and he cracked open both of ours. I smiled gratefully at him, and we both took a seat on the couch, turning on the television.

We talked for about a solid hour, pretty much nonstop. The television was only on as our safety net, in case we had one of those awkward silences, and we could turn our attention to it. But it never happened. Turns out, I have a lot in common with Chandler.

We got into a discussion about Joey, and he teased me about how cute he thought it was. I only blushed, and swatted his chest. 

Chandler set his third beer on the table, and I set mine next to his.

"Want another one?" I asked, moving to get up.

"Ah, no thanks. It's getting pretty late, I think I should go." Chandler got up, bringing his bottles with him to throw away. I walked him to the door, and opened it for him. He stepped out and turned to me, smiling softly.

"Thanks for tonight, it was actually really fun," He admitted, chuckling. "I'd like to do it again."

"Yeah, me too. You're not half bad, Bing," I joked, nudging his arm. He laughed and I smiled at him.

"You know you can talk to me about anything," I remind Chandler, and he curtly nodded. I had a suspicion that he had a thing for Monica, but I wouldn't force him to admit it.

"Okay, well, good night, Chan," I say, and wrap my arms around him to give him a friendly hug. He hesitated, but then hugged me tightly.

"Night, Nai."


i hope you enjoyed this. 😋

i wrote this during school so it may be kinda iffy.  😁

comment here for #chanomi (chandler and naomi).

remember to vote and read my other books! 💕

Xoxo, Alli

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