The One With The Journal

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I swore I posted this chapter but I have another one to post tomorrow!


I pulled my legs underneath me as I sat on a worn down couch. I felt the couch dip as weight was applied to it, and I looked over to see Chandler settling down next to me. I gave him a half hearted smile to show him that I was thankful for his presence, but I was still distracted and distance by the thought of Joey getting cuddly with Janice. It made me shiver in disgust.

After I had given my consent for Joey to go with Janice, he reassured me a million times that he wouldn't do anything, and I started to believe him. I wasn't really worried about Joey doing anything, just Janice. So, after he left with Janice, Phoebe drove us back to the apartment building. We bid our goodbyes and then Chandler and I dragged ourselves up the stairs to our apartment doors.

Before I could open the door, Chandler gently grabbed my arm to turn me back towards him. "Hey, I know it was a rough night for you," He gave me a sad look, which I returned. "Do you wanna come in and have some company?" Of course, I accepted, needing a friend at the moment. I sat on the couch, mindlessly staring at nothing. And that's when Chandler sat down next to me.

"Hot chocolate?" Chandler offered in a soft voice, extending a steaming cup of hot chocolate to me. I nodded gratefully, carefully taking the mug in my hands. Suddenly, something snapped inside me. I don't know what happened—I was calm one moment, and then the next, I was outraged.

"What could she want with my journal, anyways?" I asked harshly, furrowing my eyebrows and clenching my jaw. Chandler looked slightly taken aback, but also understanding was evident in his eyes.

"Doesn't she want to publish it as her own?" Chandler probed me, but seemed to regret asking me that right as the words left his mouth. And it was right of him to regret that.

"She can't do that!" I exclaimed, slamming down my hot chocolate on the counter.

"I think the real question is," Chandler starts to say after I've somewhat calmed down. "Is what does she want with Joey?"

"You're not good at this, Chandler."

"I get that a lot. If you want girl talk, you go to Rachel," Chandler joked, nudging me in the side. I let out a short laugh before returning to our previous conversation.

"Look, Joey just wants to get your book back for you. And he will, but I don't think he'll cross any lines with her, either," Chandler stood up and walked over to the fridge, pulling out a beer and opening it. I turned my body towards him, raising an eyebrow at him.

"What?" He asked, taking a sip of the alcohol.

"Do you wanna tell me what happened between you and Janice?" I asked, slumping back onto the couch comfortably.

"Mm, I wasn't ready for commitment," Chandler said simply, coming back to the couch to sit next to me.

"And now you are?" I asked, referring to him having interest in Monica.

"Yes. Completely ready," Chandler let out a sigh, wrapping an arm comfortingly around my shoulders.

"I'm glad to have a friend like you, Chandler," I tell him, meaning every word. I think out of the entire group, I'm closest friends with Chandler. Other than Joey.

"I'm glad to have a friend like you, too, Naomi," Chandler smirked cheekily, squeezing my shoulder lightly.

"So, any more gossip?" I asked in a girly voice, repositioning myself on the couch to face him full on.

"Well," Chandler said in a high pitched voice, mirroring my movements. I laughed at this sight, but tried to keep the act up. "I heard that after a month of dating, Ross and Rachel have broken up."

"What?" I said, completely surprised and shocked.

"Yes, well you know how Rachel has gotten her new job?"

"Yeah, at that fashion place."

"Yep, well, there's this guy there—Mark—and Ross was completely jealous of him. Which apparently is a turn off for Rach." Chandler informed me, making me raise my eyebrows in surprise. And they seemed like such a good couple.

"Does...does Rachel like me?" I asked in a hesitant voice, not really wanting to know the answer. I was pretty sure she only had negative feelings for me.

"Why wouldn't she like you?" Chandler asked in an incredulous tone.

"Ever since that night Ross and I kissed..."  I trailed off, embarrassed by the whole situation. "Things have just been kind"

"Really? I haven't noticed," Chandler shrugged indifferently, and I gave him a blank look.

"That's because you're a guy."

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?"

"I don't mean it in a negative way, just guys are less aware of things like this," I shrugged, looking at him expectantly.

"Yeah, well, girls..." Chandler started to say, trying to come up with something against girls. "Girls are...moody."

"Moody, really?" I raised an eyebrow at him, laughing a little. Oh, Chandler.

"Well, I...You're pressuring me," Chandler jumped out of his seat and pointed a finger at me, making me double over in laughter. Oh, what a best friend I had.

Just then, we heard the door handle jiggle and I looked at the door with wide eyes. I had almost forgotten that Joey and Chandler lived together.

"Hello, children," Joey walked in with a smirk on his face. Probably because he got some.

"Ah, I know that look," Chandler joked, but then looked at me apologetically.

"It's okay, I knew this would happen," I sighed, slouching into the couch and looking down at my lap.

"What do you mean?" Joey asked, his eyebrows scrunched together. "I didn't get laid."

"Oh? Then what are you doing back here?" Chandler asked, curiously. He seemed to forget that Joey's stinking girlfriend was still in the room.

But then, my heart stopped as Joey lifted up something I thought I would never see again.

My journal.



Xoxo, Alli

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