♣️ I beg You ♣️

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CW//could be disturbing to some

- I beg you
(Poem by me)

Religion lives forever
Humans do not
But you chose it over us together
And leave me distraught

You defend your rights
That are not even threatened
Against your own blood, you fight
Just to get into heaven

One day, I will not be here anymore
So let me at least be happy while I live
Just like you, I used to not care, before...
There is so much more you can give

I used to be just like you
Used to take everything for granted
And this experience was new
To this day, by it I am haunted

Do not make the same mistake as me
Do not waste your life praying
Hell is a theory, humanity is reality
Closely listen to what I am saying

I am not guiding you to sinning
I am guiding you to wisdom
Your life is only at its beginning
Do not give up your freedom

For verses that ultimately mean nothing
Only meant to promote more division
My people are suffering
Under their decisions

Do not support a group
That willingly spills blood over a book
That robs people of their youth
That burns what they took

You do not see their hatred yet
But they will betray you like me back then
You do not believe? Yeah, bet
They will, especially the men

They can dish, but they cannot take
Corrupt morals, they are hypocrites
I am saying this for your sake
Do not believe their twisted words for one bit

Please, do not get brainwashed
Do not stay blind to the criticism
They are horrible, avoid them at all costs
My observation is not Racism

Do not hide behind that word
You are not oppressed
Your treatment towards us hurts
So most of us are depressed

You are not above a critical analysis
Not everything is an attack
Choking on your own hypocrisy
Without sugar coating, you are taken aback

Your message is not one of peace
Toward us, their sentence is death
Only with our suffering they are pleased
Until we draw our last breath

Sadistic, cold, uncaring
These are the people you are defending
The red signs are blaring
Still you ignore their intentions

Open your eyes, sister, see them truly
They are not peaceful, they crave bloodlust
Just like you, they once fooled me
So please, in my words, you can trust

I love you, so please fulfil my wish, at last
Do not choose them over your family
Do not repeat my past
Of these chains, you must break free

[Written in: 28/09/2023]

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