♣️ Gone, Gone, forever Gone ♣️

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Für euch beide.

- Gone, gone, forever gone
(Poem by me)

I wish for you to see me grow
Wish for you to feel my happiness
Went through failure and success
There is much, I wish to show

Wish for you to hold my hand
As I walk down the aisle
While giggling at your sweet smile
And have you cheer, as we planned

I wish to enjoy new experiences
Learn new life lessons
Wish to discover earth's perfections
And understand even the most mysterious

And I wish to share them with you
I wish to listen to your voice
Wish to lighten up this deep void
With your funny views

I want to hear you call me from distance
And get crushed by your hug
Watching you chase a ladybug
As you admire its appearance

But you are gone
Flowers blooming on you every spring
And I felt you leaving
Death kissed you on dawn

You are gone
Gone, you will never come back
The bridge started to crack
And collapsed onto the injured swan

I miss your love
But I know, I will never feel it again
Because you now only live back then
Stained the street with your blood

Maybe someday, I might meet someone
As she greets me in a warm embrace
And looks lovingly at my face
Painted in golden colours by the sun

But she is not you
That love cannot be replicated
Even if I will ever meet someone new
This sadness will not be negated

You are irreplaceable
Gone, gone, you are forever gone
So I become more withdrawn
Meeting you again is unattainable

And I miss you
I love you so much
Crying into my toy plush
As the sky shines in blues

I do not pick flowers, I admire them
Going on walks in beautiful forests
Wether it is December or August
And do, what I always dreamt

Enjoying the fresh air
The beautiful chirps of birds
Noticing new trees had emerged
As leaves fall on my hair

Experiencing amazing taste of food
Petting our neighbourhood cat
You used to love doing that
Such joy, you used to exude

Reading my many books
Driving my scooter on sunny days
Staring at the flowers in amaze
And grin, while I look

All these things I do alone
And I will never meet you again
You are gone in every sense
To everyone, I am largely unknown

So I smile, as tears stream down my face

[Written in: 08/03/2024]

🃏 Adulthood 🃏Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang