♥️ Do your Knuckles Bleed? ♥️

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CW//could be disturbing to some

- Do your knuckles bleed?
(Song by me)

Do your knuckles bleed?
When you peel potatoes all intense?
When you work at high speed?
When you punch me yet again?

But you bandage me
But you cook me food
Except for when I am rude
Still, you read me stories

That must mean something
Surely, you cannot be devoid of love
Even if you get rough
I must still be pleasing

Does your tongue hurt?
When the spicy food burns?
When in ice, it is submerged?
When you tell me all these words?

Do you feel any regrets?
Are you sorry at all?
Or is my forgiveness your goal?
Is your heart filled with hatred?

If even you cannot like me
Then who will?
Will I be alone on that hill?
Like you always agreed?

Do your knuckles bleed?
When you peel potatoes all intense?
When you work at high speed?
When you punch me yet again?

Are your clothes stained by you?
Or, like always, by me?
My cries unheard, my tears teased
Still, my hope in you continues

To your open arms, I always run back
In your rage, I bruise
But I cannot lose you too
Because love is all I lack

[Written in: 11/01/2024]

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